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Miracle Product Review: NekTeck
Anna had bought a product to help with Tech Neck. Anna swears by and it loves it! Raven, not so much…… Continue Reading

A Close Call for Raven!
Today was down to the wire! Raven almost lost, but clutched a victory with the last question. Tomorrow’s jackpot is now at $1,800!… Continue Reading

Can You Hula Hoop?
You know you are young if you can still cartwheel or hula hoop. We wanted to see if Anna & Raven could hula hoop, especially after Raven claims he has “magic hips”.… Continue Reading

Ice Ice Baby!
The jackpot continues to grow and we get a nice cover of ‘Ice Ice Baby’ from Raven, with dance moves to accompany it.… Continue Reading

Raven Vs Sub
Raven claimed he could eat an entire 16 inch sub in one sitting, so Anna put him to the test! Here is the time lapse video of Ravens glorious victory!… Continue Reading

Would You Let Your Child Use Your car?
Imagine your child JUST got their license and ask if they can go out, using your car. Do you let them go out? Do you go with them? Anna & Raven share there answer! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven: Raven Vogues
A close game today! Raven had to do some Vogue poses because of the excitement from another win.… Continue Reading

Anna’s Take On Seeds In Her Clementine’s
Anna loves her clementine’s, but she has a small complaint about them. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven
Roseann attempts to stop Ravens current win streak and win the $1,100 jackpot! Would you have gotten any of these questions right? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Trying To Beat the Heat..
It’s been hot and it’s going to continue to stay hot for the days following. Raven thinks he has a great idea for beating the heat and keeping yourself cool. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading