Recent Videos

Can’t Beat Raven!
We gave Ravens brain a week off, and we returned today with Can’t Beat Raven. Not only do you have a chance to win cash, but you also get a chance to learn something new!… Continue Reading

Whose Impression Is Better?
We had to shoot a commercial today for Can’t Beat raven, so of course we needed to have a little fun!… Continue Reading

It’s National Radio Day!
Happy national Radio Day! Ever wonder what the ‘FM’ in radio stood for? Wonder no longer! We answer that question in today’s Can’t Beat Raven!\… Continue Reading

Sloppy Raven!
Another day and another victory for Raven, bringing the jackpot up to $800 for tomorrow! Raven was a little off today however, answering a little slower than usual, but that didn’t stop him from clutching a victory!… Continue Reading

A Very Close Game!
Melissa was so close! She got 5/5, but Raven is no push over, as he also got 5/5. You gotta BEAT Raven for the money, but a shirt is pretty cool too. Thanks for playing Melissa!… Continue Reading

National Relaxation Day is this weekend! So what are you doing to relax? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Ravens Vocal & Karate Skills
Carly attempts to take down Raven in today’s Can’t Beat Raven! We also get treated to Raven’s sweet karate skills and beautiful singing voice.… Continue Reading

Pricing At Tag Sales
Anna & Raven had a talk about Tag Sales earlier this morning and how they are making a come back. Anna thought to take a random item laying around the studio and put a price on it…Would you pay for this at that amount!? Images Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven
Carol Anne was very close, but Raven is just too good! Would you have gotten any of these questions right!?… Continue Reading

Raven and His Famous Ex Girlfriends
Kara takes on Raven in Can’t Beat Raven, and another celebrity is added to the list of Raven’s famous ex girlfriends!… Continue Reading