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Say Sorry, Anna!

Say Sorry, Anna!

Raven wants Anna to apologize to a celebrity that he says she has been treating unfairly. Who is it? Is she sincere in her apology? Find out!Continue Reading

Producer/Father Sean

Producer/Father Sean

Anna & Raven get all types of calls throughout the day and sometimes, they get ones that can throw them for a loop. Their producer Sean had to deal with one of those types of call earlier today. How did he handle it!? Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

The Mom Purse

The Mom Purse

Anna says every mother has a “Mom purse” that contains items to keep your children busy. What is Anna’s Mom purse? Let’s find out!Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday!

Wellness Wednesday!

Home too much because of the pandemic? Need to get some blood flowing and creativity going? Try the stair challenge with Anna! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday

Every Wednesday we try to bring you a new technique to help melt away the stress in your life. Today involves drawing and your feet. We promise, it isn’t as weird as it sounds! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Rachel Beats Raven!

Rachel Beats Raven!

Congratulations to Rachel for beating Raven at his own game! She answered all five pop culture questions right today and it earned her a jackpot of $1,000! Don’t spend it all in one place!Continue Reading