Recent Videos

Say Sorry, Anna!
Raven wants Anna to apologize to a celebrity that he says she has been treating unfairly. Who is it? Is she sincere in her apology? Find out!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Singalong Line Is Now Open!
The Anna & Raven Singalong line is now open! Just call 833-431-0905 and sing to your hearts content…Just don’t sing like Raven!… Continue Reading

Producer/Father Sean
Anna & Raven get all types of calls throughout the day and sometimes, they get ones that can throw them for a loop. Their producer Sean had to deal with one of those types of call earlier today. How did he handle it!? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Mom Purse
Anna says every mother has a “Mom purse” that contains items to keep your children busy. What is Anna’s Mom purse? Let’s find out!… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: The Benefit of Oranges!
Did you know that oranges have a TON of health benefits? And not just the orange itself, but the entire peel too!… Continue Reading

We Have A “Can’t Beat Raven” Winner!
A big congratulations to Chris for beating Raven at his own game, and getting more pop culture trivia questions right than Raven! Chris earned himself $1,500 meaning we will reset the jackpot to $100 for tomorrow morning.… Continue Reading

What Was Your Favorite Present?
Anna & Raven share their favorite gifts they received over the Holiday! What was yours? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday!
Home too much because of the pandemic? Need to get some blood flowing and creativity going? Try the stair challenge with Anna! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday
Every Wednesday we try to bring you a new technique to help melt away the stress in your life. Today involves drawing and your feet. We promise, it isn’t as weird as it sounds! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Rachel Beats Raven!
Congratulations to Rachel for beating Raven at his own game! She answered all five pop culture questions right today and it earned her a jackpot of $1,000! Don’t spend it all in one place!… Continue Reading