Recent Videos

Right or Wrong?
Anna & Raven breakdown what Patrick Mahomes’ fiance had to say after the Super Bowl, and the question of whether or not their spouse would do the same for them.… Continue Reading

Ready for the Super Bowl Half-Time Show?
Are you ready for the Super Bowl half-time show!? The Anna & Raven team sure are!… Continue Reading

The Star Spangled Banner
Earlier today Anna & Raven were discussing some of the worst performances of the “Star Spangled Banner”. So to level the playing field, we asked them to recite the lyrics word for word. Can they make it through? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Weight Debate
Raven says he weighs as much as Producer Jon, so we just had to see if he was right. Do you think they will weigh the same?… Continue Reading

The Groundhogs Girlfriend
Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow and declared six more weeks of winter, but what does his girlfriend have to say about that?… Continue Reading

Anna Needs Your Help!
Raven has been on a win streak and his confidence is running high! Anna needs some help to take him down.… Continue Reading

Are These Words Still Relevant?
Raven believes that these words are still being used! Do you use any of them on a daily basis?… Continue Reading

Who Is Sexy Charlie?
Earlier this morning we talked about having imaginary friends as a child and as an adult. Then we learned about Ravens alter ego, which nobody was prepared for…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Are Having A Pen Problem…
Anna & Raven have been losing pens left and right and they think they know exactly who the cause of it all is…… Continue Reading

Sometimes It’s The Little Things That Can Drive You Crazy
Sometimes your spouse does something so little, but it still drives crazy! What things do Anna & Ravens spouse’s do that drive them crazy!?… Continue Reading