Recent Videos

Anna & Raven Review Sauna Suits
Anna & Raven may look like they belong is a 90’s music video, but we promise it’s for a product review and not style…😂… Continue Reading

Anna Teaches Raven How To Curtsy
During their interview with Oprah, Meghan said she wasn’t aware she had to curtly for the Queen. Anna fancies herself a bit of a professional when it comes to this (thanks to watching “The Crown”) and wanted to teach Raven how.… Continue Reading

Allison Beats Raven!
Allison took Raven down this morning to win herself $1,900! That means the “Can’t Beat Raven” jackpot resets to $100. Who will be the next person to win and claim the jackpot? Will it be you!?… Continue Reading

Raven Celebrates International Women’s Day
The best way for Raven to celebrate International Women’s Day? By saying nice things to Anna of course!… Continue Reading

But Does It Work?
There is never a shortage of new or unique ideas when it comes to Tik Tok, but this new method of cracking someone’s back seems unreal. Let’s see if it works as well as people claim it does! What is your go-to method to crack your back? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

What Should We Do About This Picture?
We are curious as to what you think we should do about this picture… … Continue Reading

Dumb Reasons To Get Into Trouble At School
Earlier this morning we asked you for the dumbest reason you’ve gotten in trouble in school. Anna & Raven just had to share their answers too! Would you have ever guessed they could be such rebels? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

What’s in Your Car?
Sometimes we keep thing’s in our vehicles that make perfect sense to have! Other times…not so much. We asked Raven to show us what he keeps in his car that would require some explanation!… Continue Reading

Your First Dance During Your Wedding
We asked earlier this morning if you could remember your wedding song, but we are also curious of how your first dance went. Anna & Raven fill you in on what they did for theirs! Did they go above and beyond or keep their first dances simple? Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Try On The Clothes They Had Gotten From WiBargain! How Do They Look!?
Anna & Raven wanted to try out some of the stuff they got from the WiBargain box! How do they look? Was it worth the buy?… Continue Reading