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Bryan & Andrew Beat Raven!

Bryan & Andrew Beat Raven!

Congratulations to both Bryan & Andrew! They had beat Raven this morning at his own game and earned them the $1,600 jackpot. Thank you both very much for playing and enjoy that cash! Who will be the next person to beat Raven and win themselves the “Can’t Beat Raven” jackpot!?Continue Reading

Raven Got His Own Prize For Losing!

Raven Got His Own Prize For Losing!

Thank you to everyone at the Post Office for sending these sweet gifts! Goes to show you that Raven can be defeated! Who will beat Raven next? And will they send Raven a t-shirt for his loss like the Post Office did? 🤣🤣  Continue Reading

Something We All Believed As A Child…

Something We All Believed As A Child…

As children, we were all told that if we made a face and someone smacked you in the back, your face would get stuck like that. For scientific purposes and curiosity, we wanted to test this statement…With Raven as the guinea pig of course.Continue Reading