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Anna & Raven Try Skeet Shooting!
In honor of the Olympics, we wanted to do a little skeet shooting! Who do you think will hit the most targets?’… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven Have A Dance Off!
To celebrate the fact that break dancing will now be an Olympic sport, we decided to have a dance off! Let us know who you think the winner is in the comments!… Continue Reading
The Producer Olympics: Coffee Break Obstacle Course
It’s Producer Jon against Producer Sean! Who can make it through the obstacle course the fastest without spilling a single drop of coffee!?… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s ‘Would You Rather’
Would you say today’s question is an easy choice? No matter what you think of both options, the first one would still be funny to see Raven try…… Continue Reading
The Anna & Raven 2021 Producer Olympics
Monday is the start of The Anna & Raven 2021 Producer Olympics! But what are Olympic Games without an annual running of the torch? Is producer Sean up for the task!?… Continue Reading
WATCH: Anna & Raven Maritime Chevrolet Open
The first Anna & Raven Maritime Chevrolet Open was so fun! Pizza, BBQ, drinks, and of course golf all day long at Fairchild Wheeler Golf Course in Bridgeport. Thanks for coming out to support the Center for Family Justice… Continue Reading
How Comfortable Could Cardboard Beds Really Be?…
Athletes performing in the Olympics will be sleeping on sustainable and recyclable cardboard beds. How comfortable can sleeping on cardboard really be!? Let’s find out! 🤣😴… Continue Reading
The Greatest Gift From Dad…
You’ll never believe what this man bought for his 18-year-old son. We could only imagine how much it cost him! Anna & Raven share the greatest gifts given to them by their fathers that they will never forget!… Continue Reading
Singing Helps You Overcome Social Anxiety…Does It Work?
Singing in public forces you to confront your specific fear, like others judging you, public humiliation, etc. Will Anna be able to find someone to sing to someone in the office to overcome social anxiety?… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Would You Rather!
Being stuck in an elevator is no fun, but having to choose which of these two you would have to be stuck with just makes the thought of it worse! Which would you choose though, and why!?… Continue Reading