Recent Videos

Anna & Raven Teach Yoga!?
Ever heard of the “Sun Salutation” pose? According to an expert, this yoga pose will help you live forever, and we want to teach you how to do it…Sort of.… Continue Reading

Better Than An Olympic Athlete!?
It’s said that Olympic Figure Skaters spend years training to spin perfectly. Can Producer Sean spin like a figure skater and still do his job!? If yes, than he might be in the next Winter Olympics…… Continue Reading

Torty The Box Turtle Picks This Sunday’s Winning Team…
Who will win this years Super Bowl? We have Torty the box turtle in studio, and she is going to predict the winner! Find out who Torty picks!… Continue Reading

Bagels With Butter AND Cream Cheese!?
We haven’t heard of anyone putting butter on their bagel with cream cheese until recently, so we want to see what all the fuss is about! Is it as good as people have made it out to be? We’ll be the judge! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Bologna Face Mask
Oscar Mayer is selling a five dollar bologna face mask! It doesn’t sound like the most efficient way to clean your face, but we are giving it a shot anyways. Well, Producer Sean is at least. What’s his verdict?… Continue Reading

Preparing Ourselves For The 2026 Winter Olympics
We may not have a full size, regulated curling rink, but it won’t stop us from trying it anyways! Winter Olympics 2026, here we come!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Pet Pals – Meet Kilo!
Are you looking for a well-trained boy who loves kids? If so, Kilo just might be your guy!!! 🐾 Age approx. 7 but acts younger. He does not seem as though he’s anywhere near being a senior! He’s full of life and very playful! 🐾 80-85 pounds! 🐾 Loves toys/playing tug! 🐾 Kilo was definitely…… Continue Reading

It’s Just Another Day At The Office…
It’s just another day at the office, while Producer Sean practices a figure skating routine. How did he do?… Continue Reading

What Would You Fight For?
A brawl at a Golden Corral ensued over the last steak! Is steak worth fighting over? It peeked Raven’s curiosity, so he has a question for you…Be sure to give us your answer on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

Raven’s Secret Menu Item
Raven sent the producers out to see if McDonald’s would have his own made-up secret menu item…Spoiler alert, they did not. But it didn’t stop them from making it anyways! How did Raven’s El Diablo Double Chicken sandwich end up tasting?… Continue Reading