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Cleaning Away Some Calories!
It’s officially spring, which means it’s also time for some spring cleaning! One of the biggest health benefits to cleaning is burning calories. Just how many calories can our producers burn in just three minutes of cleaning? Find out!… Continue Reading

Producer Jon’s Indiana Song
We had Producer Jon spin a wheel that had every state on it and whichever it landed on, he had to make a song about it. It’s our very own Anna & Raven America Song Contest! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Viral Video Challenge
We decided to try and go viral with our own internet challenge! Who can make the biggest bubble! Who do you think won?… Continue Reading

Raven Tries The Thigh Master
The Thigh Master may have been beaten by Cabbage Patch Kids during March Fadness today, but that isn’t a good reason to not make Raven try one out! Is he even doing it right!?… Continue Reading

Time To Do The Macarena!
In spirit of “The Macarena” winning today’s March Fadness matchup, we decided to do the dance ourselves! But with a bit of a twist..… Continue Reading

Raven’s Shadow Boxing
Anna couldn’t stop making fun of something Raven did today. Who knew Raven was such a good boxer? 😂🤣🥊… Continue Reading

The Great Debate: Wheels VS Doors
It seems like a silly debate at first, but the more you think about, the more you can’t help but debate the issue. So, which do you think there are more of? Do you agree with Anna or Raven?… Continue Reading

Best Birthday Ever?
Is what Raven did for Producer Jon’s birthday out of line!? 🤣 You be the judge. Let us know what you think of Raven’s “gift” on our Facebook page!Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

The Raven Fashion Show
Raven has a bunch of clothes he is going to donate, so we thought it appropriate to model some of Raven’s questionable fashion choices! 🤣… Continue Reading

Can Anna & Raven Guess The Candle!?
Candles have some real farfetched names for what the smell is. Can Anna & Raven guess the name of the candle based off the scent? And are the names they give better than what the candle is called? You decide!… Continue Reading