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Check Out Our New Sign!
Check out our brand new Can’t Beat Raven sign! What do you think? Who is going to win the jackpot next!?… Continue Reading

Meeting The Parents
Meeting your romantic interests’ parents for the first time can be very stressful. Raven has some great stories about times he met a girlfriend’s parents, and he will make you happy that he didn’t date your daughter…… Continue Reading

How Could You NOT Wash This!?
Anna got upset when she had seen this sitting in the sink at work. What was even more surprising was the answer as to why it doesn’t get washed…… Continue Reading

Producer Jon & Raven Go Into Whisper Mode
There are plenty of thing’s in life that Anna wishes she could put on “whisper mode”. Her toddler, Axel Rose, Raven, and many more! But what would Axel Rose and Raven sound like on a whisper mode? Let’s find out…… Continue Reading

Weird Snack Combinations
We asked you about your weird snack combinations, and decided to take the most popular ones and try them out! How do we feel about avocado and chocolate? Apples and salsa? Coca-Cola and chicken? Find out! They may just be the next snack you fall in love with too! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Can’t Beat Raven Jackpot Is At An All Time High!
The Can’t Beat Raven jackpot is at an all-time high and Raven can’t contain his excitement over it! Who will be our next big winner? Do you have what it takes to stop Raven’s current win streak?… Continue Reading

The Tae Bo Dream Team
Tae Bo may have lost today’s March Fadness match up, but it will live in our hearts forever. Time to channel our inner Billy Banks and burn some calories.… Continue Reading

The Slap Heard Around the World
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at The Oscars yesterday, so it gave Anna an interesting idea…… Continue Reading

What Is This!?
Raven was baffled by what he found on Anna’s side of the room 🤣… Continue Reading

A New Social Media Test
A new test is sweeping social media and depending on what you see first in this image says a lot about who you are. What do you see?… Continue Reading