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60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Getting out before Elsa arrives
With Winter Storm Elsa on the way, Anna and Raven decided to leave a little early…… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Making maple syrup
Anna & Raven have the equipment, it’s a clear day, and they learned all they could from Kevin Meehan, Program Director at Ambler Farm in Wilton- it’s time to make some maple syrup! How do you think it’ll turn out?… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Getting set to make our own maple syrup!
Today is the best day, because Anna & Raven got everything they need to start tapping the trees outside for maple syrup! They learned how to do it from Kevin Meehan from Ambler Farms, they have the equipment, and tomorrow is the big day! What should the name of their maple syrup be?… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- There’s only two types of people when it comes to pancakes…
It’s National Pancake Day and Anna and Raven have determined that there are two types of people in this world… people that put fruit on their pancake or people who put chocolate chips and candy on their pancake! Which one do you fall in? Credit: Lilechka75/iStock/GettyImages… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Who’s Your Doggie is filming a TV show.. and they need you!
Richie Marter, the co-owner of Who’s Your Doggie, LLC. is looking for anyone with a dog to cast in their upcoming TV show! If you’re interested, leave them a message!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Raven is back!
Raven is back from surgery! It’s his first day back and while we can’t jump for joy (that might really hurt him) we are super excited he’s back!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- What motivational quote does everyone in the office live by?
Today is #WisdomWednesday, and Anna went around the office to see what inspirational quotes everyone that works here lives by!… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Anna’s husband Paul is her special co-host today!
Anna’s husband Paul was her guest host today on Anna & Raven while Raven recovers from surgery… and it’s also Valentine’s Day! How did he like being on the air with Anna for a whole show? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim!
Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim was Anna’s special guest host on Anna & Raven today! How did he like waking up this early? Plus, there’s a special announcement regarding the Anna and Raven Show! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Karen Thomas is Anna’s guest co-host!
Karen Thomas, Connecticut’s foremost authority on etiquette, and she was Anna’s guest host all day! How did she like it? … Continue Reading