Recent Videos

What’s That Smell?
If someone sat in your car blindfolded, what would they say it smelled like? Producer Sean correctly guessed Anna and Raven’s car because of the new car and flower scents.… Continue Reading

Celebrity In Your Dreams
We have crazy dreams ranging from John Stewart to Snoop Dogg! What celebrity always shows up in your dreams?… Continue Reading

Oat-zempic has been trending (eating oats to make you thin) so Chef Plum is showing you how to fry them into a delicious meatball. We’re positive it’s also healthy this way. Maybe! … Continue Reading

What’s Daikon?
“Daikon” is the secret to prevent bloating according to some lady’s account on Instagram. So after Anna and Raven googled “what’s daikon?”, they tried it.… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Emoji Trivia
Emoji Trivia! Fast Food Restaurant Edition, how many did you get? Would you have beat Anna and Raven?… Continue Reading

Teenage Babysitters
Do you think teenagers are responsible enough to babysit or is that a thing of the past? Anna has some thoughts!… Continue Reading

Ice Cream and Fruit Roll Ups
We tried the viral fruit roll-up ice cream and loved it. Is this something you would try or make for your kids?… Continue Reading

WATCH: Anna & Raven’s Maritime Chevrolet Dance-A-Thon
The Anna & Raven & Maritime Chevrolet Dance-A-Thon raised over $10,000 for The Tiny Miracles Foundation! Thank you to everyone who donated, all the dance schools for participating, and our partners at Maritime Chevrolet, The SoNo Collection, and Catseye Pest Control.… Continue Reading

Chef Plum’s Minestrone Soup
Chef Plum gives his best soup recipe and according to experts, this will help you get the best summer body.… Continue Reading

The Trash Bag Challenge
The trash bag challenge didn’t work out for Raven and Producer Sean…Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading