Tell Me Something Good: There’s Still Good Strangers In The World

Tell Me Something Good: There’s Still Good Strangers In The World

I can’t help but feel that even with everything going on in the world with the Coronavirus Pandemic that in a way it has also brought out the good in people. You know what I mean, going above and beyond to help others just feels like it’s happening more since we are all in this…

Tell Me Something Good: Military Mom Gets Troops Running Again

Tell Me Something Good: Military Mom Gets Troops Running Again

A local non-profit in Pennsylvania called Sneakers for Soldiers has seen a HUGE uptick in sneaker donations during the pandemic. It was all started a few years ago by a military mom who’s son is serving overseas. He would ask her to send him new running sneakers when he needed a pair. Then she realized…

Tell Me Something Good: A Bailout Stimulus Package… For Your Kids?!

Tell Me Something Good: A Bailout Stimulus Package… For Your Kids?!

A lot of small businesses and people have been getting bailouts or stimulus checks as a result of COVD-19. But now one big brands is giving your kids a chance to get some money too! Country Time has announced “The Littlest Bailout”. Basically If your child has a lemonade stand that has hit hard times the…

Tell Me Something Good: One Of The Few Positive Impacts Of The Coronavirus Pandemic

Tell Me Something Good: One Of The Few Positive Impacts Of The Coronavirus Pandemic

Let’s be honest, there isn’t much “good” that has come out of the coronavirus pandemic so far. Except for this one stat I came across today that was kind of mind blowing. Since the pandemic started apparently people have been quitting smoking in record numbers as a result. According to this study out of England,…

Tell Me Something Good: Pizza Shop Owner Stops Robbery With… Yup. Pizza!

Tell Me Something Good: Pizza Shop Owner Stops Robbery With… Yup. Pizza!

As a lover of all things pizza this story makes me so proud of our beloved food. Last week a pizza shop owner in Delaware was getting ready to close the restaurant for the night when a guy showed up demanding cash holding a MACHETE! Who robs a place with a machete nowadays? Apparently this…