Tell Me Something Good: Five Year Old Helps Neighbors Via Power Wheels

Tell Me Something Good: Five Year Old Helps Neighbors Via Power Wheels

Throughout the pandemic there have been many people helping out essential healthcare workers in all different ways. Which is really inspiring. But maybe the most inspiring one of them all is this five-year-old boy from El Paso, TX. Throughout the pandemic he has been bringing COVID-19 care packages to essential workers who live in his neighborhood.  His…

Tell Me Something Good: Adorable Couple Both Turn 100, Get A Birthday Parade

Tell Me Something Good: Adorable Couple Both Turn 100, Get A Birthday Parade

During the last few months we have been a part of A LOT of car parade birthdays. One of the fun, good things to come out of this crazy pandemic. Putting a smile on people’s faces on their birthday since the parties are a little different this year. This adorable couple who live down in…

Tell Me Something Good: Cooler Full of Cold Drinks To Thank Delivery Drivers

Tell Me Something Good: Cooler Full of Cold Drinks To Thank Delivery Drivers

As a result of everyone staying home the last few months it’s safe to say that we’ve all been ordering a lot more online since the pandemic started. Which means these delivery drivers have been working extra hard to get us our packages. Not an easy job, especially with these crazy heat wave temps we’ve…

Tell Me Something Good: Pandemic Brings Together Long-Lost Sisters After 50 Years

Tell Me Something Good: Pandemic Brings Together Long-Lost Sisters After 50 Years

Despite all the horrible headlines about the pandemic, there are some good stories happening too. Like these two long-lost sisters who found each other because of the pandemic.  53-year-old Bev Boro works at a health care facility in Fremont, Nebraska. When she saw 73-year-old Doris Crippen’s name on her list of patients she immediately had to find…

Tell Me Something Good: Helping Servers & Bartenders One Huge Tip At A Time

Tell Me Something Good: Helping Servers & Bartenders One Huge Tip At A Time

Some of the hardest hit places during the pandemic have been bars, restaurants, and the rest of the service industry. That’s why people anonymously leaving huge tips has become pretty popular now. Down in Florida a new charity started up called “Put It on Pete’s Tab”. Which works to help people in the service industry pay…

Tell Me Something Good: Skydiving Lost & Found

Tell Me Something Good: Skydiving Lost & Found

I’ve never been skydiving before but I imagine it’s pretty stressful and scary even without LOSING something while you’re in the air. This is what happened to a skydiver in Vermont who recently lost his prosthetic leg when it fell off in mid-air.  Can you imagine?! He says he didn’t even realize it was gone at first,…

Tell Me Something Good: Rollerblading Halfway Across The Country For Charity

Tell Me Something Good: Rollerblading Halfway Across The Country For Charity

A lot of people have realized during this pandemic that there are only so many things you can do to entertain yourself before you get REALLY bored staying home. That’s exactly what happened with these kids. Two college hockey players at University of Massachusetts who decided to cure their boredom in a creative, helpful way.…

Tell Me Something Good: An Interesting Concept Is Brewing In This Old Folks Home

Tell Me Something Good: An Interesting Concept Is Brewing In This Old Folks Home

The coronavirus pandemic is hard on everyone for all different reasons. But especially for seniors living in old folks’ homes around the country. Mostly because a lot of them can’t have visitors and are bored just sitting there in the facility every day. This one assisted living home in Austin, TX has decided to keep…

Tell Me Something Good: Creative Pandemic Sportsmanship On The Baseball Field

Tell Me Something Good: Creative Pandemic Sportsmanship On The Baseball Field

Good news, baseball is back! If you watched any of the games over the weekend you were either yelling “Go Mets!” “Go Yankees!” or “Go Red Sox!”. You also probably noticed a few interesting changes to watching baseball game with no fans on TV in 2020. First, there were the cardboard cutouts of fans. Which…