Tell Me Something Good: A Local Connecticut Doctor Wins VMA!

Tell Me Something Good: A Local Connecticut Doctor Wins VMA!

As you may have predicted the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday (8/30) night were a bit wackier than normal here in 2020. There was no audience and most of the show was prerecorded. That didn’t stop the awards from being given out though. Lady Gaga wasn’t the only one racking up the moon men…

Tell Me Something Good: Father Daughter Duo Open Up Free Bookstores All Over Their City

Tell Me Something Good: Father Daughter Duo Open Up Free Bookstores All Over Their City

With so many people struggling financially lately because of the pandemic it’s so nice to see someone help out their community. This father and daughter in Chicago had already started a charity back in 2009 called Books 4 Cause that takes used books and gives them out for free.  After the pandemic hit this year, they decided…

Tell Me Something Good: Couple Gives An Enormous Tip That’s Not Money

Tell Me Something Good: Couple Gives An Enormous Tip That’s Not Money

We’ve seen a lot these huge tip challenges lately. Where people are paying it forward to the service industry by leaving big tips. Normally it’s hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars. But sometimes it’s not money at all. Lisa Mollet is a single mom who works as a waitress in New Jersey.  Like so many others…

Tell Me Something Good: Donation Only Restaurant Making A Positive Impact On Their Town

Tell Me Something Good: Donation Only Restaurant Making A Positive Impact On Their Town

Money isn’t everything. As much as the world would make us think that’s the case. This story is a perfect example of how you can make a positive impact and help people without a dime every being exchanged. This couple down in Alabama own a restaurant called Drexell & Honeybee’s.  It has become a very popular place…

Tell Me Something Good: The UK Has Figured Out How To Have Real Concerts Again

Tell Me Something Good: The UK Has Figured Out How To Have Real Concerts Again

One of the things I miss the most during these pandemic times is live music. The excitement, emotion, and thrill you get from seeing a band or artist live. There’s truly nothing like it. Sadly, Covid has robbed us of that experience for much of the year so far. Until this happened the other night… A…