THE FEED: Parents vs. Mangos

THE FEED: Parents vs. Mangos

Every week in The Feed Kevin talks to Kallie from ButFirstCoffee about all things parenting, kids, life hacks, organization, productivity and motivation, simple DIYs, frugal shopping, and more. This week Kallie gives us some tricks on how to prepare some of those trick foods, especially for kids. Mangos, cold butter, squash, and more.  Photo credit: Getty Images

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is fresh fruit healthier than frozen fruit?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is fresh fruit healthier than frozen fruit?

If your house is like mine you have lots of fruit being eaten all the time. My 4 year old daughter is currently on a berry smoothie kick so we make them every morning. A lot of people like to use the frozen fruit since it’s already cold and has ice to mix in with…