There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make you wonder “Why is it like that?” Kevin & Jenna are here to answer these questions and solve these Mundane Mysteries.

Tune in weekdays at 2:30pm to find out answers to questions you never knew you had.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Where does the word “phony” come from?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Where does the word “phony” come from?

The word “phony” when you’re referring to someone or something as being fake comes from a shortened version of the word “telephone”.  Older phones had such bad audio quality that it would make people’s voices sound fake. I feel like this sounds like a “phony” explanation (haha)… but it’s true! Photo credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do ghosts say “boo”?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do ghosts say “boo”?

Halloween is 20 days away and between now and the 31st you will hear and see a lot of ghosts saying “BOO”. But why? And where did that come from? The Oxford English Dictionary says that the term “boo” came from the Latin term boare and the Greek word boaein which mean “to cry aloud,…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do we say “O’Clock”?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do we say “O’Clock”?

The idea of saying “o’clock” sounds kind of Irish in a way. We’ve always just said it after announcing the time but when did it start? It goes back to simpler times when it was rare to find an actual clock to see the time. People would use other means to tell time like a…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why does an itch get worse when you scratch it?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why does an itch get worse when you scratch it?

You’ve probably experienced this more than a few times over the summer with bug bites. Anytime you scratch something itchy it only makes you itch worse, but why? The reason is that it causes your brain to release serotonin, which increases the sensations all over your body. Including the sensation of the itch. My trick…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Can you eat gold?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Can you eat gold?

Gold is very popular lately and today’s mystery… are the rumors true that you can eat gold? The answer… kind of. Pure gold is safe to eat, but it’s basically flavorless. So those gold flakes on your fancy dessert you won’t even taste. But… you shouldn’t eat your gold jewelry or anything else that looks…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What does the “QR” stand for in QR Code?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What does the “QR” stand for in QR Code?

They’ve been around for years but have become more popular than every the last year or so because of Covid-19… QR Codes. We use them for menus, links, everything now. But what does the QR actually stand for? It’s pretty simple actually… “Quick Response”. Whatever code you point your smartphone camera or reader at gives…Continue Reading