What is your favorite spot in Connecticut?
Downtown Milford or anywhere by the water.
How long have you worked for STAR 99.9? What was your first job here?
Since 2012. My first job was hosting the afternoon show, which I’m still doing today!
What makes your station/show great?
The way we connect our listeners with the artists we play at the Star Acoustic Sessions allowing them to see and meet them up close is truly something special about our Star 99.9. I also really enjoy keeping people company in the afternoon when I’m on the air. There’s nothing better than being live on the radio playing fun music, telling great stories with “Tell Me Something Good” and trying to stump you with the “I Should Have Known That!” trivia question every day.
Favorite band or artist of all time?
Mumford and Sons and The Killers
What is the best concert you’ve ever seen?
Mumford & Sons at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. February 2013
TV show or Movie that you think someone should know about?
If you’ve never seen LOST, start there. I have many theories we can discuss. I’ve also been really into cheesy network shows lately. 911, The Resident, and Manifest are all wildly entertaining. For a movie, Whiplash is excellent and should be required viewing for all kids going into middle or high school.
If you didn’t do radio, what would you do?
Professional Golfer
A skill you wish you had but sadly don’t?
Singing or any musical instrument. I’ve always thought it would be fun to be in a band. Instead I just talk about them on the radio!
If you are on death row and you have a final meal. What is it?
Large cheese pizza, duh.
Tell us one fun fact about yourself
I can juggle. Next time you see me at an event ask and I’ll prove it.
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I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 25% of people say they will only wear this when it’s between 61-70 degrees
Every afternoon during I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! this week play to win an Apple TV+ code so you can watch the new documentary “Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry”. Here was today’s question: Q: 25% of people say they will only wear this when it’s between 61-70 degrees A: shorts Photo credit:…… Continue Reading

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Middle School Principal Comes To The Rescue With Hair Clippers
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MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is the real name for the cardboard sleeve on coffee cups?
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I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 16% of people think they look better wearing this than when they don’t wear it
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MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are fire trucks red?
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I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Smelling this scent makes you spend more money. What’s the scent?
Every afternoon during I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! this week play to win an Apple TV+ code so you can watch the new documentary “Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry”. Here was today’s question: Q: Smelling this scent makes you spend more money. What’s the scent? A: Oranges Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

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MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do dogs like squeaky toys so much?
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I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 1 in 5 people keep one of these in their glove compartment. What is it?
Every afternoon during I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! this week play to win an Apple TV+ code so you can watch the new documentary “Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry”. Here was today’s question: Q: 1 in 5 people keep one of these in their glove compartment. A: A tube of toothpaste Photo…… Continue Reading