Listen to Kevin Begley weekdays at 4pm to play “I Should Have Known That” to win prizes. Call the Star 99.9 Contest Line at 800-330-9999 to play and win.

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Tuesday January 5: Cooking up a Storm
Welcome to an all new year of “I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT!”. To kick off 2021 I have these really cool LARQ water bottles for you to win this week. If you haven’t heard of them yet the LARQ Bottle is the world’s first self-cleaning water bottle and water purification system. It uses UV-C LED light…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Monday January 4: How Much Is That Gift In The Window?
Welcome to an all new year of “I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT!”. To kick off 2021 I have these really cool LARQ water bottles for you to win this week. If you haven’t heard of them yet the LARQ Bottle is the world’s first self-cleaning water bottle and water purification system. It uses UV-C LED light…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Tuesday December 22: Christmas Wrapping
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Q: 10% of people say that THIS is our favorite part about Christmas! What is it? A: Wrapping gifts …… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Monday December 21: Batteries Not Included
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Q: 20% of people have forgotten to get this for children at Christmas? A: Batteries Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Friday December 18: Coffee For Christmas
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Another chance tomorrow afternoon. Q: A new survey asked “What is the worst Christmas gift?” 26% of people said this?…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Thursday December 17: In Our Christmas Jammies
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Another chance tomorrow afternoon. Q: 36% of people say they will do this all day on Christmas. What is it?…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Wednesday December 16: Merry Re-Giftmas
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Another chance tomorrow afternoon. Q: When it comes to re-gifting, most people said they would be most likely to re-gift…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Tuesday December 15: Christmas Wrapping
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Another chance tomorrow afternoon. Q: The average person buys nearly three of these every holiday season. A: Rolls of wrapping…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Monday December 14: Hurtin’ Around The Christmas Tree
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Another chance tomorrow afternoon. Q: This holiday season, men are 3 times more likely than women to get hurt doing…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Friday December 11: Hot Christmas Sweater
Every afternoon at 4:30pm you’re playing to win a $50 gift card to another store at Stamford Town Center so you can get some holiday shopping done. Here was today’s question if you missed it. Another chance tomorrow afternoon. Q: According to a new survey of single people, 96% agreed that this is a turn-on…… Continue Reading