Listen to Kevin Begley weekdays at 4pm to play “I Should Have Known That” to win prizes. Call the Star 99.9 Contest Line at 800-330-9999 to play and win.

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 7% of people admit they did this when they were in high school, and never got caught
All week win $100 to Adam Broderick Salon & Spa. Play at 4:30pm every day to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it. Q: 7% of people admit they did this when they were in high school, and never got caught. A: Forged their parent’s signature Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! It’s estimated that 81 million of these will be consumed in celebration of today (Cinco De Mayo)
All week win $100 to Adam Broderick Salon & Spa. Play at 4:30pm every day to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it. Q: It’s estimated that 81 million of these will be consumed in celebration of today (Cinco De Mayo). A: Avocados Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Having one of these at home is good for your heart and makes you more physically active
All week win $100 to Adam Broderick Salon & Spa. Play at 4:30pm every day to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it. Q: Doctors say having one of these at home is good for your heart and makes you more physically active. What? A: A dog Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! People with this occupation walk at least 4.5 miles a day
All week win $100 to Adam Broderick Salon & Spa. Play at 4:30pm every day to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it. Q: People with this occupation walk at least 4.5 miles a day. A: Nurses Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 1 in 3 people say they will order this when they go out to eat, but never eat it at home
Today I have a Ninja XL Air Fryer for you to win! Here’s today’s question if you missed it: Q: 1 in 3 people say they will order this when they go out to eat, but never eat it at home A: a salad Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 89% of people think THIS is the rudest thing you can do at the grocery store
Today I have Blink Home Security camera for you to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it: Q: 89% of people think THIS is the rudest thing you can do at the grocery store A: Lining up with more than 10 items in the 10 items or less line Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 1 in 3 people say this is their most hated outdoor chore
Today I have another one of these cool self-cleaning LARQ water bottles for you to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it: Q: 1 in 3 people say this is their most hated outdoor chore A: Weeding Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 11% of moms have saved this for 20 years or more
Today I have another one of these cool self-cleaning LARQ water bottles for you to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it: Q: 11% of moms have saved this for 20 years or more. What is it? A: Their kid’s report cards Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 13% of women always carry this in their purse. What is it?
All this week I have cool self-cleaning LARQ water bottles for you to win. Play every day at 4:30pm. Here’s today’s question if you missed it: Q: 13% of women always carry this in their purse. What is it? A: Chocolate Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! It takes the average person 7 minutes to do this
All this week I have cool self-cleaning LARQ water bottles for you to win. Play every day at 4:30pm. Here’s today’s question if you missed it: Q: It takes the average person 7 minutes to do this. A: Fall asleep Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading