Listen to Kevin Begley weekdays at 4pm to play “I Should Have Known That” to win prizes. Call the Star 99.9 Contest Line at 800-330-9999 to play and win.

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! On average women spend $860 a year on this. Men only spend $370 on it.
All this week I’ve got tickets to see Daughtry at Mohegan Sun Arena on November 14th. New question every day just after 4pm. Get it right first, you win! Here’s today’s if you missed it… Q: On average women spend $860 a year on this. Men only spend $370 on it. A: Their hair or…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the top thing people say make them the most nervous behind the wheel
Here’s today’s question if you missed it… Q: One in three people think they’re a worse driver now than they were pre-pandemic. This is the top thing people say make them the most nervous behind the wheel… A: Driving in the snow Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The average American will use 20 gallons of this in a lifetime
All this week I have tickets to see Harry Styles for his newly added second show at Mohegan Sun Arena on October 21st. Tickets go on sale this Friday 7/23 at Or you can try to win them before that every afternoon at 4pm by playing I Should Have Known That! Here’s today’s question…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 1 out of every 10 couples getting married this year will have this at their wedding…
All this week I have tickets to see Harry Styles for his newly added second show at Mohegan Sun Arena on October 21st. Tickets go on sale this Friday 7/23 at Or you can try to win them before that every afternoon at 4pm by playing I Should Have Known That! Here’s today’s question…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The average person will do this about 40 times this summer
All this week I have tickets to see Harry Styles for his newly added second show at Mohegan Sun Arena on October 21st. Tickets go on sale this Friday 7/23 at Or you can try to win them before that every afternoon at 4pm by playing I Should Have Known That! Here’s today’s question…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the number 1 word dogs like hearing the most
All this week I have tickets to see Harry Styles for his newly added second show at Mohegan Sun Arena on October 21st. Tickets go on sale this Friday 7/23 at Or you can try to win them before that every afternoon at 4pm by playing I Should Have Known That! Here’s today’s question…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 34% of people say this is the biggest job deal breaker
This week I have tickets to see AJR at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre on September 25th. Here’s today’s question if you missed it… Q: 34% of people say this is the biggest job deal breaker A: A long commute Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 55% of people admit they’ve lied about THIS to avoid hurting someone’s feelings
This week I have tickets to see AJR at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre on September 25th. Play every afternoon at 4pm to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it… Q: 55% of people admit they’ve lied about THIS to avoid hurting someone’s feelings A: Their cooking Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 17% of people admit they have stolen this while on vacation
This week I have tickets to see AJR at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre on September 25th. Play every afternoon at 4pm to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it… Q: 17% of people admit they have stolen this while on vacation A: Hotel soap and shampoo Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the top thing parents still help their children pay for once they move out of the house
This week I have tickets to see AJR at the Toyota Oakdale Theatre on September 25th. Play every afternoon at 4pm to win. Here’s today’s question if you missed it… Q: This is the top thing parents still help their children pay for once they move out of the house A: Groceries Photo credit:…… Continue Reading