Listen to Kevin Begley weekdays at 4pm to play “I Should Have Known That” to win prizes. Call the Star 99.9 Contest Line at 800-330-9999 to play and win.

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! : In a poll of 1,200 Americans this was the most common excuse for not answering their phone
This week you are playing to win tickets to All Time Low at College Street Music Hall in New Haven October 19th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here’s today’s question and answer if you missed it… Q: In a poll of 1,200 Americans this was the most common excuse for not answering their…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! When people were asked why they wanted to move, the #1 answer was house is too small… the number 2 answer was this
This week you are playing to win tickets to All Time Low at College Street Music Hall in New Haven October 19th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here’s today’s question and answer if you missed it… Q: When people were asked why they wanted to move, the #1 answer was house is too…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The most popular Halloween decoration in America this year is THIS
This week you are playing to win tickets to All Time Low at College Street Music Hall in New Haven October 19th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here’s today’s question and answer if you missed it… Q: THIS is the most popular Halloween decoration in America this year A: Skeletons Photo credit: Getty…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! In 1994, there were 61 million of these. Today, there are only 2 million in use
All this week I have tickets to Pentatonix: The Evergreen Christmas Tour 2021 coming to Mohegan Sun December 4th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here was today’s question if you missed it… Q: In 1994, there were 61 million of these. Today, there are still about 2 million in use A: Pagers Photo…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The average person has about 1600 of these right now
All this week I have tickets to Pentatonix: The Evergreen Christmas Tour 2021 coming to Mohegan Sun December 4th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here was today’s question if you missed it… Q: The average person has about 1600 of these right now. What is it??? A: unread emails Photo credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! When asked to name what sounds make them happy. 15% of people said this sound
All this week I have tickets to Pentatonix: The Evergreen Christmas Tour 2021 coming to Mohegan Sun December 4th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here was today’s question if you missed it… Q: When asked to name what sounds make them happy. 15% of people said this sound A: A cat purring Photo…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 1 in 4 parents say they started liking this beverage more once they had kids
All this week I have tickets to Pentatonix: The Evergreen Christmas Tour 2021 coming to Mohegan Sun December 4th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here was today’s question if you missed it… Q: 1 in 4 parents say they started liking this beverage more once they had kids A: Chocolate Milk Photo credit:…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 19% of people who worked from home last year consumed about 13 pounds of this
All this week I have tickets to see Jonas Brothers at XFINITY Theatre in Hartford on September 29th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here’s the question from today if you missed it… Q: 19% of people who worked from home last year consumed about 13 pounds of this A: Breakfast cereal Photo credit:…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This item located inside most average households that can travel up to 100 mph
All this week I have tickets to see Jonas Brothers at XFINITY Theatre in Hartford on September 29th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here’s the question from today if you missed it… Q: This item located inside most average households that can travel up to 100 mph A: Champagne cork Photo credit: Getty…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 36% of adults say they have already started doing this in preparation for Halloween?
All this week I have tickets to see Jonas Brothers at XFINITY Theatre in Hartford on September 29th. Play every day at 4pm to win. Here’s the question from today if you missed it… Q: 36% of adults say they have already started doing this in preparation for Halloween? A: Watch scary movies Photo credit:…… Continue Reading