Listen to Kevin Begley weekdays at 4pm to play “I Should Have Known That” to win prizes. Call the Star 99.9 Contest Line at 800-330-9999 to play and win.

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This was voted the most overrated breakfast food
This week I have tickets to another great show this summer. Jason Mraz coming to the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater in Bridgeport August 6th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s right? Q: This was voted the most overrated breakfast food A: Bacon Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The average person first learned how to do this at age 8?
This week I have tickets to another great show this summer. Jason Mraz coming to the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater in Bridgeport August 6th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s right? Q: the average person first learned how to do this at age 8? A: Swim Image credit: Getty…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the number one thing people would rather rent than own in 2022
This week I have tickets to another great show this summer. Jason Mraz coming to the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater in Bridgeport August 6th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s right? Q: This is the number one thing people would rather rent than own in 2022 A: Movies Images…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! On average you’ll end up with 17 of these by the end of the summer
This week I have tickets to another great show this summer. Jason Mraz coming to the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater in Bridgeport August 6th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s right? Q: On average you’ll end up with 17 of these by the end of the summer A: Bug…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 40% of people say they are far more productive when their work area has this in it
This week I have tickets to another great show this summer. Jason Mraz coming to the Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater in Bridgeport August 6th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s right? Q: 40% of people say they are far more productive when their work area has this in it…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The number 1 answer people give about the most embarrassing thing that’s happened on an airplane
This week I have $100 gift cards to Stop & Shop! Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: This is the number 1 answer people give when asked what is the embarrassing thing that’s happened to them on an airplane A: Fallen asleep on the stranger…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Parents say their kids do this 50% more in the summer since they’re not in school
This week I have $100 gift cards to Stop & Shop! Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: Parents say their kids do this 50% more in the summer since they’re not in school A: eat bad/junk food Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! this is the most common phrase parents say when getting ice cream in the summer with kids
This week I have $100 gift cards to Stop & Shop! Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: this is the most common phrase parents say when getting ice cream in the summer with kids A: Hurry, before it melts! Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the number 1 thing people say they can’t forget whenever going to the beach
This week I have $100 gift cards to Stop & Shop! Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: This is the number 1 thing people say they can’t forget whenever going to the beach A: Sunscreen Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 14% of people admit this embarrassing thing happened while getting back into shape
This week I have $100 gift cards to Stop & Shop! Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: 14% of people admit this embarrassing thing happened while getting back into shape A: Fell off the treadmill Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading