Listen to Kevin Begley weekdays at 4pm to play “I Should Have Known That” to win prizes. Call the Star 99.9 Contest Line at 800-330-9999 to play and win.

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 80% of people say if this is in their bed they can’t sleep
This week I have four pack of tickets to the Norwalk Seaport Association Oyster Festival September 9th, 10th and 11th at Veterans Park in Norwalk. Listen every day at 4pm to play trivia to win. Would you have got today’s?! Q: 80% of people say if this is in their bed they can’t sleep A: Crumbs Image credit: Getty…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The average person will take over 400 photos of this in a year
This week I have four pack of tickets to the Norwalk Seaport Association Oyster Festival September 9th, 10th and 11th at Veterans Park in Norwalk. Listen every day at 4pm to play trivia to win. Would you have got today’s?! Q: The average person will take over 400 photos of this in a year A: Their pet Image credit:…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the number 1 thing people say out loud to their dogs besides “I Love You”
All this week I have tickets to Darius Rucker (Hootie!) at the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater August 31st. Be the first to know my trivia question at 4pm each day to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: This is the number 1 thing people say out loud to their dogs besides “I Love…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the most common regret people have from when they were younger
All this week I have tickets to Darius Rucker (Hootie!) at the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater August 31st. Be the first to know my trivia question at 4pm each day to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: This is the most common regret people have from when they were younger A: Getting a…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the number 1 thing brides were nervous about on their wedding day
All this week I have tickets to Darius Rucker (Hootie!) at the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater August 31st. Be the first to know my trivia question at 4pm each day to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: This is the number 1 answer from brides on what they were most nervous about at…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! Your kid’s THIS is covered in more germs than your smartphone
All this week I have tickets to Darius Rucker (Hootie!) at the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater August 31st. Be the first to know my trivia question at 4pm each day to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: Your kid’s THIS is covered in more germs than your smartphone A: Their backpack Image credit:…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! 9% of people say they have an old one of these in their wallet
All this week I have tickets to Darius Rucker (Hootie!) at the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater August 31st. Be the first to know my trivia question at 4pm each day to win. Would you have got today’s question right? Q: 9% of people say they have an old one of these in their wallet A: Hotel…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! This is the number 1 food that Americans buy, but never use all of it
This week I have tickets to see Boyz II Men at Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater in Bridgeport on August 28th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question? Q: This is the number 1 food that Americans buy, but never use all of it A: Bread Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! One in ten people admit they’ve had this for breakfast over the summer more than once
This week I have tickets to see Boyz II Men at Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater in Bridgeport on August 28th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question? Q: One in ten people admit they’ve had this for breakfast over the summer more than once A: Ice cream Image credit:…… Continue Reading

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT! The average person will use 126 of these in their lifetime
This week I have tickets to see Boyz II Men at Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater in Bridgeport on August 28th. Play trivia every day at 4pm to win. Would you have got today’s question? Q: The average person will use 126 of these in their lifetime A: Email addresses Image credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading