Raven’s day in the life as a radio host! You just finished work, what’s the first thing you do when you get home?

Raven’s day in the life as a radio host! You just finished work, what’s the first thing you do when you get home?
Finish the same word challenge! Anna and Raven are definitely not on the same page 🤣
Raven’s hot take on the hot dog🌭 What do you think? Is the hot dog considered a sandwich or not a sandwich?
Can you guess all the NBA logos correctly in today’s Trivia Tuesday? Raven was not very happy with just how well Anna did.
Raven attempts the blind taste test. How many drinks can he guess correctly?
Anna believes the first spouse out of the house can take whichever car they feel like for the day😂They share both cars and neither belong to one versus the other. Is Anna the only one who does this and is it weird to do?
Blind Karaoke Challenge🤣 I guess Anna has to listen to more Katy Perry in the future!
Trivia Tuesday: College Logo Edition!! Did you know these college logos?
The jackpot for Can’t Beat Raven is up to $4,000 for Tuesday!! Sign up to play at AnnaAndRaven.com. Good luck!
Anna probably will not be playing mouse trap again with her kids any time soon😂What do think is the most annoying board game?