Check out the creepy crawlers we had in the studio today! Would you have the courage to hold ether one?!

Check out the creepy crawlers we had in the studio today! Would you have the courage to hold ether one?!
How mighty are your thighs?! Crushing pumpkins with your thighs is trending so bets were made on who has the strongest thighs of the show.
Candy Autopsy is back, and we have a nice practice round for you! Can you guess what candy Anna is describing!?Image Source: Getty Images
Anna & Raven stopped by our Star 99.9 CHET Homeroom just in time for Halloween! Thanks to Legends of Fear, the kids got to make some spooky pumpkins for the weekend
Haven’t got a Halloween costume yet? We have you covered with some last-minute costumes! Feel free to share your DIY last-minute costumes with us too on our Facebook page!(2) Anna & Raven | Facebook
Check out Anna & Raven’s pumpkins! What do yours look like? Share them with us on our Facebook page! (2) Anna & Raven | Facebook
Olivia Wilde’s salad dressing recipe has been trending everywhere, and Anna & Raven just had to try it too!
Are the instant underpants you can buy on Amazon actually worthwhile? Let’s find out!
Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Chances are it was producer Sean… Image Source: Getty Images
With just a few hints, can you guess what Anna & Raven are going to be for Halloween!? You can leave your guess on our Facebook page!