Can’t Beat Raven needs a new jingle, and we need your help!

Can’t Beat Raven needs a new jingle, and we need your help!
A study claims if you stare at the letter A before you take a test, it’ll greatly increase your chances at getting a better grade. Is it true though?Image Source: Getty Images
What do you do for your dog when they are freaked out by a storm? Check out what Raven does for his little guy, Baxter.
What would you write on a bathroom stall if given the chance?
Producer Sean made a video to try and get the attention of Ryan Reynolds, and it’s actually quite impressive!
What are some of the biggest party fouls? Do you agree with Anna & Raven’s?
Should the guy always pay on the first date? Anna, Raven and their producers have thoughts..
Do anything fun over the weekend!? Everyone on The Anna & Raven Show did!
Why don’t we clap when we land planes anymore?! Should we bring it back?!Image Source: Getty Images
Do your kids suffer from a peanut allergy? We had Producer Jon write a song about it so you don’t feel so alone!Image Source: Getty Images