THE FEED: Undefeated Is The New Trend In CT Sports

THE FEED: Undefeated Is The New Trend In CT Sports

Every Monday in The Feed Kevin talks to The Ump Vin Sarullo about everything going on in Connecticut High School Sports. This week Vin gives us an update on which Connecticut teams are undefeated and how that brings on a certain pressure for their season. We then get into what caused some sideline drama in…

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is it really illegal to throw away batteries?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is it really illegal to throw away batteries?

This is something you’ve probably always heard or been confused about. What do do with old batteries and if it’s illegal to actually throw them away. If it’s your standard alkaline batteries like double or triple A’s it’s usually fine to just toss them no problem. Unless you live in California where even those are…

THE FEED: A Weekend Of Pumpkin Fun

THE FEED: A Weekend Of Pumpkin Fun

Every Friday in The Feed Kevin talks to Megan from about all the great things to do in Connecticut with the family. Halfway through October this is about the time all the pumpkin events are in full swing. Megan has some great picks for you to check out this weekend. From carving to scavenger hunts and…

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do late night shows start at 11:35?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do late night shows start at 11:35?

Leno, Letterman, Conan, Fallon, Colbert, you know all the famous names from over the years. The host of Late Night Television. The Tonight Show and The Late Show which have always started at 11:35pm instead of 11:30pm. Why is that? The 11:35 start time began in the 90s when the Gulf War was going on.…

THE FEED: 3 Fun Mini Pumpkin Ideas For You and The Kids

THE FEED: 3 Fun Mini Pumpkin Ideas For You and The Kids

Every Thursday in The Feed Kevin talks to Kallie from ButFirstCoffee about all things parenting, kids and mom life. Now that we’re are right in the middle of pumpkin season you probably have a lot of those cute mini pumpkins laying around the house, but no idea what to do with them now. Kallie has some fun mini…