TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: New Yorker goes all the way to Ireland to settle a debt

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: New Yorker goes all the way to Ireland to settle a debt

We’ve all been there. You’re a little short on cash, need to pay someone back. “I’ll owe ya!”. But the truly good people follow through and return that favor or pay that debt. Like this guy from Ireland who back in 2013 was visiting NYC when he realized he didn’t have enough money for the…

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are they called Headphones?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are they called Headphones?

I wear them every single day when I’m on the radio and still didn’t know why they were originally called headphones. Back when they were first invented the primary use for the product was telephone operators to have their hands free while they were on the phone. Hence the “head” and “phone” in the name.…

THE FEED: Roberts, Clooney, and The Rock Walk into a Theater…

THE FEED: Roberts, Clooney, and The Rock Walk into a Theater…

Every Wednesday Kevin is joined by Nick Johnston,  TV and Film writer for This week Nick has a streaming series from the makers of Westworld that might bend your mind. Then two big movies hitting theaters this weekend which starring three of the biggest A-List stars in Hollywood.  Photo credit: REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What exactly is candy corn made of?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What exactly is candy corn made of?

It’s that time of year… for eating that orange, yellow and white wax looking candy known as candy corn. I know, I know a lot of people hate candy corn. I actually don’t mind it to be honest. And I sneaky love those pumpkin shaped candy corn ones too. But what is it actually made…

THE FEED: Where To Find Connecticut’s Best Steaks

THE FEED: Where To Find Connecticut’s Best Steaks

Every Tuesday Kevin talks all things food with Alex from CT FoodGirly. This week we take a spin around the state to talk steaks. Where the best Connecticut steakhouses are, our favorite cuts of steak, and what sides we’re ordering for the table. 

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What does the help signal “SOS” stand for?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What does the help signal “SOS” stand for?

One of the most famous ways to call for help, especially out on the open water in a boat or ship is “SOS”. But what does it stand for? Nothing actually. A lot of people say it means “save our souls” or “save our ship” but in reality it just translates to three dots or…