MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do we carve pumpkins?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do we carve pumpkins?

By now you’ve probably carved up a few Jack-O-Lanterns for your front porch. But why do we carve pumpkins anyway? Where did that come from? The modern holiday we know as Halloween really started way back with the Irish festival, “Samhain,’ which was meant to recognize the transition from summer into winter. During the festival…

THE FEED: For Your Halloween Week Viewing Pleasure

THE FEED: For Your Halloween Week Viewing Pleasure

Every Wednesday Kevin is joined by Nick Johnston,  TV and Film writer for This week as we get closer to Halloween weekend Nick gives us a few spooky streaming picks and the newest buzzed about scary movie hitting theaters that isn’t for anyone with a fear of clowns. Photo credit: Getty Images

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Crime stopper great-grandmother stops purse thief

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Crime stopper great-grandmother stops purse thief

Let this be a lesson to all criminals out there, you don’t want to mess with grandma energy. Like this one great-grandmother out in Oakland, CA who recently stopped a purse thief from robbing her neighbor. The thief jumped out of a car and trying to snag the person, until our grandma hero saw what…

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is the Circus Peanuts flavoring?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is the Circus Peanuts flavoring?

Congrats, you’re off the hook candy corn! Circus Peanuts have voted the new worst Halloween candy this year. The BEST and still champion is the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. As it should be. For years I could never pinpoint what the actual flavor these orange looking marshmallow peanuts was. The original orange colored one is…

THE FEED: SpoOoOoooOky Eats and Drinks For Halloween Weekend

THE FEED: SpoOoOoooOky Eats and Drinks For Halloween Weekend

Every Tuesday Kevin talks all things food with Alex from CT FoodGirly. With Halloween coming up next Monday we talk all things deliciously tasty and spooky. Halloween themed cocktails, costume parties, haunted desserts, and more. LaPlage – Westport– Sunday they are having their first ever costume and cocktails Halloween party with complimentary food Camacho Garage –…

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do witches ride brooms?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do witches ride brooms?

With Halloween coming up this weekend your bound to see a lot of witch costumes. Some of them riding broomsticks. But why are witches associated with brooms anyway? The idea of witches and brooms is thought to have started as a fertility ritual. Basically rural farmers would leap and dance around different kinds of poles,…