Tuesday October 29, 2024: Chinese Hackers; Treadmill Bets; Ghost Stories

Tuesday October 29, 2024: Chinese Hackers; Treadmill Bets; Ghost Stories

Raven is going on vacation but he has to leave his pups behind! Anna and Raven hate leaving their furry friends and it seems like their dogs hate it too… Anna stumbled over Timothée Chalamet’s name yesterday and the entire office told her about her mispronunciation… But is she actually wrong? Chinese Hacker’s are at…

The Feed: CT Sports and World Series Chat with Dave Ruden

The Feed: CT Sports and World Series Chat with Dave Ruden

On Mondays on The Feed, we cover everything Connecticut sports. Today, we’re chatting with Dave Ruden from The Ruden Report about updates on Connecticut high school football and a local connection in the 2024 World Series!  image credit: Getty Images

Friday October 25, 2024: Fear; Flaky Friends; Baseball Language

Friday October 25, 2024: Fear; Flaky Friends; Baseball Language

Anna almost worked for Pepperidge Farm and now that she sees Gold Fish’s new marketing campaign, she’s reflecting on how their ‘no’ may have been for the best! Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the World Series, baby names, and the…

Kevin and Jenna’s Pet of the Week

Kevin and Jenna’s Pet of the Week

Meet Rhino, our Pet of the Week from CT Humane Society! This sweet 4-year-old male guinea pig is looking for his forever home. Rhino would love to have a calm and gentle home. Our staff believes he may be blind, so he’ll need some extra time to adjust to new surroundings. Rhino thrives with people…

Thursday October 24, 2024: Cell Phone Scams; Puppy Love; Anna’s 18-Story Rappel

Thursday October 24, 2024: Cell Phone Scams; Puppy Love; Anna’s 18-Story Rappel

Kim Kardashian’s daughter gave Kim a diamond necklace for her birthday! But would you get this slogan on it? Anna has three crazy news stories, but Raven can only pick one! Today his options are; getting paid to endure the world’s scariest torture chamber, a granny who goes for a joy ride in a Ferrari,…

Fast Food Perks

Fast Food Perks

A former president worked the fryer station at McDonald’s and created a buzz about the benefits of working in a fast-food chain. You’ll never guess what one person said they got to do at their fast-food job. Check out the podcast to find out.Image Source: Getty Images

Wednesday October 23, 2024: Producer Sean; Tattoos; Fast Food Public Service

Wednesday October 23, 2024: Producer Sean; Tattoos; Fast Food Public Service

When you pay people on Venmo or CashApp, what note do you write in the memo section? Anna always makes sure to write something outrageous! Are you “Gate Lice”? What is Gate Lice, and how will American Airlines combatant it? Anna found an article about it and it’s one of her biggest pet peeves! What…

Your Biggest Fear!

Your Biggest Fear!

Anna’s biggest fear is heights! What is yours?! Let us know on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/AnnaAndRaven