Monster Chaser and Author, David Weatherly shares where the most popular Halloween traditions come from, you’ll never guess the truth behind these!

Monster Chaser and Author, David Weatherly shares where the most popular Halloween traditions come from, you’ll never guess the truth behind these!
It’s Anna and Raven’s Roadshow! Send Anna an email with multiple pictures of your item, let us know all the information you have on it, and we’ll choose certain ones to feature on the air with Ryan Brechlin, antique expert and appraiser. If you’d like to reach out to Appraiser and Auctioneer Ryan Brechlin yourself, contact him through his website…
NEW FEAR UNLOCKED! After Anna had a listener text the textline about a situation that involved lice and eyebrows, she realized she had a new unlocked fear! Could Chef Plum’s new fear be worse? Find out!Photo Credit: Getty Images
Anna and Chef Plum play Undercover Candy Cops and rank the all-time top 5 Halloween candy to give out to Trick-or-Treaters! Some of their favorites may shock you!Photo Credit: Getty Images
Chef Plum is joining Anna while Raven is out and he is in for a spooky treat: Anna’s witch voice! It is time to share those Halloween Hot Takes, find out what Chef Plum and Anna think should stay or go this Halloween! Anna and Chef Plum play Undercover Candy Cops and rank the all-time…
A new food scrap program in Milford and a Nike sneaker for a UCONN Women’s Basketball player image credit: Getty Images
Tuesdays on The Feed we chat with CT Food Girly about all things food in Connecticut. You can find Alex on Instagram, @ctfoodgirly. Today, Alex tells us about some of the lore behind the most haunted resturants serving up delicious meals. We also learn about the great Halloween themed meals popping up at some local…
Studies show that 18% of Americans say they’ve seen a ghost! These stories will keep Anna and Raven up for the rest of 2024! Photo Credit: Getty Images
Anna stumbled over Timothée Chalamet’s name yesterday and the entire office told her about her mispronunciation… But is she actually wrong? Photo Credit: Getty Images
Raven is going on vacation but he has to leave his pups behind! Anna and Raven hate leaving their furry friends and it seems like their dogs hate it too… Anna stumbled over Timothée Chalamet’s name yesterday and the entire office told her about her mispronunciation… But is she actually wrong? Chinese Hacker’s are at…