Elongating The Shelf Life of Eggs!

Elongating The Shelf Life of Eggs!

Egg prices are sky high, but how do you elongate the shelf life of eggs? Anna found the solutions! They may not be the most conventional, but they apparently work!Photo Credit: Getty Images 

The Housing Market is Different Now!

The Housing Market is Different Now!

HeadlinerEmbed Across the country $300,000 will get you a $1500 square foot house! Anna, Raven, and Producer Justin share what their first place cost them! Producer Julie just got her first apartment a few months ago and pays WAY more than the others did 20 years ago!Photo Credit: Getty Images

Meet Sadie: The Energetic Pup Looking for Her Forever Home!

Meet Sadie: The Energetic Pup Looking for Her Forever Home!

Every Thursday Connecticut Humane Society joins the show to tell us about another pet that needs a home. This week we are meeting Sadie! If you’re looking for a lively and lovable new companion, let us introduce you to Spectacular Sadie! This three-month-old tan and black beauty is a mixed breed with a big personality.…

Anna Wants To Go On a “Mom Solo Trip!”

Anna Wants To Go On a “Mom Solo Trip!”

Anna’s mom has never gone on a “Mom Solo Trip,” but has seen it is trending! She asked her daughter what she thinks about her going on a trip by herself! Anna and Raven find out where you have gone for your solo trip!Photo Credit: Getty Images

The Experience of Being on Game Show!

Anna and Raven have almost been on a few game shows! Key word: almost! They want to know what game show you have been on and what it was like!Photo Credit: Getty Images

Strange Hotel Stories!

Strange Hotel Stories!

Anna was on vacation last week and her family was given the wrong hotel room, and there were people in it! Chef Plum shares his hotel story that involves police!Photo Credit: Getty Images