Star 99.9 and JSX Big Florida Flyaway

Star 99.9 and JSX Big Florida Flyaway

Listen every day at 9am, 12pm and 3pm for the Star 99.9 and JSX Big Florida Flyaway! Text the special keyword to 800-330-9999 and you could be in the running to fly JSX out of Westchester, New York to your choice of one of four incredible Florida destinations: Boca Raton, Miami, West Palm Beach or…

Win cash playing Can’t Beat Raven

Win cash playing Can’t Beat Raven

Win cash playing Can’t Beat Raven! Text CBR to 1-800-330-9999 to play every day or sign up at PLAY Can’t Beat Raven. Beat Raven to win CASH! If Raven wins, the jackpot grows by another $100! Listen at 12pm and 5:30pm every weekday for the Anna & Raven Catseye Pest Control Can’t Beat Raven Cheat Sheet and…