Raven Tries To Beat A World Record!

Raven Tries To Beat A World Record!

Raven is attempting to beat the Guinness World Record of eating the most Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup in 60 seconds! All he has to do is eat more than eight!Photo Credit: Getty Images

The Anna and Raven Egg Drop!

The Anna and Raven Egg Drop!

Egg prices keep going up and it’s because of the bird flu! It’s important to protect your eggs, Anna, Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin are doing an old fashion egg drop! Find out who’s egg breaks!

My Kid Won’t Eat Vegetables!

My Kid Won’t Eat Vegetables!

Anna’s six-year-old refuses to eat vegetables but a researcher found a simple hack to get your children to eat them! Anna put it to the test! You are going to want to hear this!Photo Credit: Getty Images

Vote For Which Guinness World Record We Should Break!

Vote For Which Guinness World Record We Should Break!

Anna believes that the show can break a Guinness World Record but to make sure it counts, she looks up the ways that would prevent it from being considered illegitimate! Anna Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin all submit one Guinness World Record that they think the show can break! Vote for the one you…

Shadiest Jobs to Date!

Shadiest Jobs to Date!

Anna reads a list of the most respected occupations to date! But find out what occupations people wouldn’t date!Photo Credit: Getty Images