Friday October 11, 2024: Last Songs; Pregnancy Clues; More Celebrity Encounters

Friday October 11, 2024: Last Songs; Pregnancy Clues; More Celebrity Encounters

What is the right age for a child to get their first job?  Anna’s daughter is looking beginning to look for gainful employment, and Anna & Raven examine the hiring process!

Pet lovers and rescuers are happy to care for multiple animals, but how many is TOO many?  Anna & Raven heard a startling amount of cats found in one woman’s home…

An end-of-life charity has been surveying patients with a very specific question regarding their last moments, and Anna & Raven examine the top results, with contributions of their own.

With the changing weather, it is now officially crock-pot season!  Chef Plum joins Anna & Raven with some great fall tips and recipes!

Cardi B had a very insightful, articulate way to describe how she knew she was pregnant, and Anna & Raven hear the many different ways other ladies just knew before they knew!

Earlier this week, there was such a tremendous response about peoples’ celebrity encounters that Anna & Raven had to hear more – and find out whether or not they were nice!

The weekend is here, and that means one thing!  Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Anna & Raven get the lowdown on what listeners did to earn their me-time this week!

In case you missed any of the show this week, Anna & Raven recap some of the highlights!

Hunter’s sister helps them out by watching their two-year-old daughter Monday through Friday from 8:30a to 4pm. She’s a stay-at-home mom and she’s home with her one-year-old child too. She just asked them if they could start paying her to watch their daughter. Mom, Kristen, says no, this is a good excuse to say they’re going to switch to a daycare. She’s constantly saying that they need to pick up their daughter early because she has errands to run, at times she’ll text them to drop off their daughter later because she’s still in her pajamas, and mom thinks they need more stability and a more formal environment for their child. They can’t keep going into work late and leaving early because of the sister sitter. Hunter says it’ll be a problem for the family relationship if they do it. It’ll seem like they’re bailing because she’s asking for money. What do you think?

Jacqui has got a shot at $2200! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!

You Know It’ll Be a Bad Storm When…

You Know It’ll Be a Bad Storm When…

The folklore is that when Waffle House closes for a storm, then you know it’s about to be terrible. What are the telltale signs that your area is about to get a really bad storm? Catch up with the podcast!
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Thursday October 10, 2024: Hurricane Aftermath; Love At First Sight; Waffle House

Thursday October 10, 2024: Hurricane Aftermath; Love At First Sight; Waffle House

Would you ever arrange a playdate for your kids? What if your child was in college? An alarming trend of “helicopter college” parents has been emerging!

Hurricane Milton is now moving away from Florida and meteorologist Ashley Baylor is on the phone with Anna and Raven to give some updates!

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? It may have been with a person or a pet, but Anna once fell in love with a bag the moment she laid eyes on it!

Anna has three wild news stories, but Raven can only pick one! Today, his options are; Spirit stores branching out, a raccoon infestation, and some sky-high price gouging!

With Hurricane Milton leaving a path of devastation through Florida, Anna and Raven decided to check in with their friend and Florida resident Jim Lauber, to get a firsthand account.

Have you ever noticed that during weather emergencies, everyone evacuates, yet all of these meteorologists stay right in the center of it? Anna and Raven take a look at some of the bravest weather broadcasters out there!

Everybody knew there would be a lot of rain during the hurricane, but few people predicted the massive number of tornadoes! Meteorologist Ashley Baylor is on the phone to explain the large amount of cyclones in Florida.

Outside of checking your weather app, how can you tell a storm is going to be bad? When a certain fast-food restaurant decides to close, you know it’s time to bunker down!

Raven’s friend Luke lives in St. Petersburg FL, and he’s on the phone to give a direct report on the devastation of Hurricane Milton.

Chris bought a new couch two months ago and paid $3000 for it. His wife, Kim, hates it, the dog hates it, it’s uncomfortable, and she wants to get rid of it. She figures they can probably sell it on Facebook Marketplace for $1000 to $1500. He says no way, they’re not taking a thousand-dollar loss, the couch is nice, it’s in her head that it’s a mess, they need it for at least four years before he considers another one. He didn’t check with her before buying the couch but thought she would like it. What do you think?

Sherry has got a shot at $2100! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024: Celebrity Encounters; The Mini-Van’s Moment; Girls Night

Wednesday, October 9, 2024: Celebrity Encounters; The Mini-Van’s Moment; Girls Night

Despite many medical advancements, the average life expectancy hasn’t changed for generations. Anna & Raven discuss the aging process and what the benefits of growing old gracefully are!

With Hurricane Milton bearing down on the Gulf Coast of Florida, every attempt is being made to get people, and pets, out of the storm’s path!

Raven was recently invited to tag along on his wife Alicia’s girls night out, but he had some doubts about whether it was actually a good idea…

Are mini-vans cool now? Mark Zuckerberg gifted his wife with a souped-up Porsche mini-van and Anna & Raven find out what else makes the modern Mom-Mobile cool!

It’s Yelp’s 20th birthday, but people are still conflicted on whether it’s actually trustworthy. Anna and Raven decided to read some of the worst reviews of all time!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including what you should be nagging your family about!

Is there a hierarchy when it comes to the best kind of candy? Anna and Raven spoke to Carly Schildhaus from Candy USA to get an insider perspective!

Have you ever had an encounter with a celebrity? Anna and Raven were talking about Keanu Reeves professional racing debut, when they got a call from a listener who was actually there!

 Sally and Jason’s daughter is 20-years-old and is dating a “less than favorable man”. She’s in her sophomore year of college, and he’s a townie from the town where their college is located. He works at the autobody store and has zero aspirations to do anything else. They just met him for the first time last weekend at Parents Weekend and dad is really upset. He can’t understand why she would be dating him when she goes to school with so many great guys that have goals. He wants to tell her that she has to stop seeing him and he’s even said he would stop paying tuition if she doesn’t. It’s for her own good. Mom thinks they just need to back off, she’ll understand it’s a mistake at some point. She’s still young.

Richard has got a shot at $2000! All he has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!

Tuesday October 8, 2024: Accidental Text; Bad Babysitter; Anna’s Yearbook Quote

Tuesday October 8, 2024: Accidental Text; Bad Babysitter; Anna’s Yearbook Quote

Think about the last dream you had. It’s not necessarily important what the dream was about, but your mental health could depend on what colors you saw…

Anna has a confession, and before you judge her, just know that she was young. Anna has a senior quote in her yearbook that hasn’t aged well and she needs help finding a new one!

Have you ever texted somebody by accident? It happens to everybody sometimes, but one of Raven’s friends texted something incredibly inappropriate!

How did you pick your child’s name? Some parents on TikTok are using a questionable method to find a unique baby name, but it fits perfectly with Halloween season!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including how to get some money from your measuring cups!

Calling all babysitters, what’s your nanny confession? A nanny said that the baby she was watching rolled off the changing table! The baby was fine, but she never told the parents…

A woman went viral for a questionable banner on her LinkedIn! Anna and Raven spoke to HR expert Nirit Cohen about whether or not it was a good idea…

Hurricane Milton is gaining strength and power, threatening many people in Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis has just given a press conference and Raven has a friend in St. Petersburg who is calling in with updates!

Maya and Danny are planning their wedding and Danny would like to have a “Food Truck Wedding”. It would still be a formal affair at a vineyard, but instead of the caterers, they would bring in an assortment of food trucks. Maya thinks you can’t ask guests to wear formal clothing, have a “classy” wedding, then give them a choice of a taco truck or a pizza truck. Plus, it cheapens the feel of the wedding. What do you think?

Daniela has got a shot at $1900! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health?

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your Health?

Did you know that the color of your tongue speaks a lot about your health- and if your tongue happens to be blue right now, either stop eating blueberries or call your doctor. Get it all in the podcast!
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Raita Dip with Chef Plum

Raita Dip with Chef Plum

Chef Plum makes “Raita”. Keep watching to learn how to make a popular Indian Cuisine dish!
Image Source: Getty Images

Social Media Issues

Social Media Issues

Find yourself or your children addicted to scrolling and swiping on social media? There are five hacks you can do to limit your time and your kids time… but do they actually work? Do you have a way to keep your scrolling time limited? Get it all in the podcast!
📸Gett Images

Friday October 4, 2024: Socia Media Strategies; Decoration Overkill; Fired Friday

Friday October 4, 2024: Socia Media Strategies; Decoration Overkill; Fired Friday

Many people are worried about AI and automation taking their jobs, but surely radio hosts are safe, right? Turns out, maybe not…

Are you looking for something new and delicious to make for your guests on football Sunday? Chef Plum from the Food Network has a great Indian dish that’s easy to make!

How do you break your children of their social media habit? Anna found some possible solutions online, but will they work?

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including a new famous grandpa!

It’s time to play Fired Friday!  Tell Anna and Raven what went wrong at work, and they’ll try to guess if you got fired!

Many people are complaining that their neighbors are putting up massive Halloween decorations and it’s making their area look tacky! What’s the dumbest thing your neighbors have in their yard?

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita!

Heather is a class mom, and she was last year too. There is one student that is in her son’s class (again) that didn’t pay any of the dues, or contribute to any of the teacher collections last year. She sent many emails and tried to call his parents to no avail. Ultimately, she paid for the child’s portion. She is so annoyed that parents could be so unresponsive, that she wants to send them a certified letter explaining that she paid for their son last year and that she expects them to contribute this year. Her husband, Steve, says that even though it’s a private school, this should have been an admin issue. Noone told her to cover the costs for the child, she took it upon herself to do that and this is overstepping her role as a class mom. What do you think?

Molly has got a shot at $1700! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!