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Friday September 1, 2023: Anna’s Bad Review; Shower Gifts; Mommy’s Margarita
You can name your baby literally whatever you want, but after reading a list of baby names from the last year, Anna thinks there are definitely some names that are a little much! (:30) What do the stars have in store for your September? Anna and Raven spoke to Astrologer Anne to get their September…… Continue Reading

Thursday August 31, 2023: Principal’s Office; The Return of Cameo; Odd Place To Get Hit On
If you could pick one show to watch when you died, what would it be? A beloved talk show host passed away watching what Anna thought was an odd show! (:15) The SAG strike has created a strange environment in the world of entertainment, but Anna never suspected it resurrect this old Covid trend! (4:15)…… Continue Reading

Clapping On Planes
Why don’t we clap when we land planes anymore?! Should we bring it back?!Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Crack an egg on your kid’s head?!
Cracking an egg on your child’s head is one of Tik Tok’s newest trends, but why are so many parents doing it and should you? Dr. Wider explains what it’s all about.… Continue Reading

Wednesday August 30, 2023: Wellness Wednesday; First Time On The Bus; School Lunch
Donald Trump’s mugshot has gone viral, and the internet can’t stop talking about it, especially because of the former President’s facial expression. Would you smile in your mugshot? (:30) Could it mean something is terribly wrong with you if you are burping too much? The answer might be more shocking than you’d think. (4:02) If…… Continue Reading

The Peanut Allergy
Do your kids suffer from a peanut allergy? We had Producer Jon write a song about it so you don’t feel so alone!Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday August 29, 2023: Cheater; First Day Of School; Old School Parenting
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the possible new performer for the Superbowl Halftime Show! (:30) When the traffic light goes out, if can be a dangerous situation! But if you don’t know how you’re supposed to handle…… Continue Reading

First Day Of School
It was the first day of high school for Anna’s teenage daughter and the first day of kindergarten for her toddler. How did it go for both of them? The differences are eye opening.Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Jobs You Get Yelled At
A video of a man yelling at MLB umpire Angel Hernandez went viral. Seems like umps/refs get yelled at a lot. What’s a profession where it’s normal to get yelled at?📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven Returns
Can’t Beat Raven will return Tuesday, August 29th, with a jackpot of $2,800! Want to play? Sign up at or text CBR to 1-800-330-9999 for your chance.… Continue Reading
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