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The Peanut Allergy

The Peanut Allergy

Do your kids suffer from a peanut allergy? We had Producer Jon write a song about it so you don’t feel so alone!Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

First Day Of School

First Day Of School

It was the first day of high school for Anna’s teenage daughter and the first day of kindergarten for her toddler. How did it go for both of them? The differences are eye opening.Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Jobs You Get Yelled At

Jobs You Get Yelled At

A video of a man yelling at MLB umpire Angel Hernandez went viral. Seems like umps/refs get yelled at a lot. What’s a profession where it’s normal to get yelled at?📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven Returns

Can’t Beat Raven Returns

Can’t Beat Raven will return Tuesday, August 29th, with a jackpot of $2,800! Want to play? Sign up at or text CBR to 1-800-330-9999 for your chance.Continue Reading

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