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Friday September 8, 2023: Celebrity Attention; Anna’s Science Experiment; Raven’s Report Card
Anna is thrilled that skinny jeans are no longer in style, but there’s one new fashion trend that she just can’t get behind! (:30) Today was the last chance for every member of the show to get the attention of a celebrity on social media! The results were mixed, but no one can say Producer…… Continue Reading

Party Fouls
What are some of the biggest party fouls? Do you agree with Anna & Raven’s?… Continue Reading

The Lone Star Tick
Is it true that the Lone Star Tick can make you allergic to red meat?! We reached out to Dr. Jennifer Wider for answers!… Continue Reading

Thursday September 7, 2023: Trouble With The Neighbors; Party Foul; Tick Borne Allergies
Everyone goes through an awkward phase, but Anna found a scientific study that discovered what age you are the MOST awkward! (1:00) It’s day two of the show trying to get the attention of a celebrity! Anna used her husband to try to get JLo’s attention, but Producer Sean relied on his signature move to…… Continue Reading

Paying On The First date
Should the guy always pay on the first date? Anna, Raven and their producers have thoughts..… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: What Your Nails Say About Your Health
Did you know that you could find out a lot about your health just by looking at your fingernails?! Find out what your nails might be saying about your health in the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday September 6, 2023: Pricey First Date; Nailed It; Not Welcome Back
Anna found something on Amazon that makes her believe it’s strictly a 2023 thing… (:30) We are all in full swing trying to get a celebrity to notice us on social media. How did all our first posts go? Did we get noticed? Find out! (3:30) The way you eat can be a personal thing,…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Weekend Recap
Do anything fun over the weekend!? Everyone on The Anna & Raven Show did!… Continue Reading

Tuesday September 5, 2023: Divisive Cars; Celebrity Attention; Dumb Fads
Anna is a huge Taylor Swift fan, but even she thinks that the pop star has finally gone too far! (:15) Ave you ever had a celebrity comment on or retweet one of your posts? It happened to Producer Jon and Anna wants to see if she can make it happen for herself! (3:27) Taking…… Continue Reading

What The Stars Say About September
The stars say September might be a bit of a bumpy month, why? Astrologer Anne explains why you may gain some weight…or at least, that’s how Anna interpreted it! Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading
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