Recent Posts

Thursday September 14, 2023: Why You Got Divorced; First Purchase; Raven Home Alone
Anna is thrilled about the news surrounding the latest celebrity power couple! Producer Jon, on the other hand, is less thrilled… (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories but Raven can only pick one! Today’s options are; Man vs. Car, a Taco Bell catastrophe, and car thieves stole from the wrong guy! (3:56) It’s one…… Continue Reading

Life Hacks For Your Dog
What do you do for your dog when they are freaked out by a storm? Check out what Raven does for his little guy, Baxter.… Continue Reading

Are E-vites Irrelevant?
Are E-vites still relevant? Etiquette expert Karen Thomas fills you in on what is an appropriate way to invite someone to an event, and an inappropriate way.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday September 13, 2023: E-Vite Etiquette; Scaredy Dog; Christmas Shopping
What job do you believe has the most aggressive salesmen? Anna was shocked at how mellow the salespeople were at a traditionally aggressive store! (:15) Do you still get Sunday Scaries? Anna found a method that can finally cure them for good! (3:32) Everyone wants to get more views on TikTok, but if you resort…… Continue Reading

The Bathroom Stall
What would you write on a bathroom stall if given the chance?… Continue Reading

The Thing’s You Probably Aren’t Cleaning But Should
When’s the last time you changed your decorative pillows? The gross things in your house that you don’t even realize are nasty, Dr. Wider has the list!… Continue Reading

Tuesday September 12, 2023: School Consequence; Bathroom Inspiration; Shoe Trends
Anna had an Instagram post go viral recently, but some of the comments had her wondering about our national identity as Americans! (:30) If you could write something on the bathroom wall, what would it be? Anna saw a variety of inspirational messages in the bathroom at a very unexpected location! (3:44) It’s ok to…… Continue Reading

Do You Need Permission?
Would you ever date your friend’s ex? Do you think you need to ask for permission if you want to? This is exactly what’s happening to Producer Jon! Get the full story in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Dear Ryan Reynolds
Producer Sean made a video to try and get the attention of Ryan Reynolds, and it’s actually quite impressive!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Not So Neighborly
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he has behaved as a husband. Raven was an “unruly neighbor” due to a party he had over the weekend, but will how he handled a neighbor’s complaint affect his grade negatively? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading
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