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Funeral Ideas

Funeral Ideas

Anna listened to a podcast where Jane Fonda explained who would speak at her funeral and who wouldn’t, and it got her thinking about who’d speak at her funeral. Hear the answers in the podcast! Are they worthy choices?Continue Reading

Pop Quiz Time!

Pop Quiz Time!

Is cursive writing going away? Do we still know how to write in cursive? It’s time for everyone on The Anna & Raven Show to take a pop quiz!Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

On Repeat

On Repeat

You’ve heard the term “sounds like a broken record”, what is that thing you are tired of repeating to someone over and over? Catch up with the podcast… Also, what’s a different phrase for “broken record” that isn’t a 1000 years old? Help a show out! Haha!Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Girls Weekend

Raven’s Report Card: Girls Weekend

Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades Raven based on how he behaved as a husband. Alicia is going away with friends for the weekend. Will the agenda Raven planned out while Alicia is gone sabotage his grade? Catch up with the podcast.Continue Reading

Test Hack

Test Hack

A study claims if you stare at the letter A before you take a test, it’ll greatly increase your chances at getting a better grade. Is it true though?Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

The First Thing You Bought

The First Thing You Bought

What was the first thing you’ve ever bought with your money? How old were you? Anna’s daughter made her very first purchase on something and it’s for the sweetest reason. Check it out in the podcast!📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

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