Recent Posts
Wednesday August 2, 2023: Chug, Chug, Chug; Concert Phone Protocol; Wellness Wednesday
Would you rather have Monday or Friday off? You might think it doesn’t make a difference, but Anna saw a video that showed how different it can be! (:30) Who said “I love you” first in your relationship? A new study came out that the answer is very heavily skewed by gender, so Anna and…… Continue Reading
Tuesday August 1, 2023: Celebrity Encounters; Random Fight; Healthy Girl Dinner
A.I. advancement is one of the key issues of our time, but Anna and Raven hadn’t worried about it much. Until A.I. made it personal… (:30) Girl Dinner is all the rage on social media, but is it possible to make it healthy? Dr. Jennifer Wider will tell you how! (3:18) Social media negativity is…… Continue Reading
Monday July 31, 2023: Talking In Your Sleep; Hungry Contractor; Intern Trivia
The Writers and Actors’ strike has brought the entertainment industry to a halt, but there are other side effects that Anna hadn’t even considered! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the otherworldly news that nobody seems to…… Continue Reading
Thursday July 27, 2023: NA Beer For Kids; City Vs. Woods; Raven’s New Masterpiece!
Getting dressed up for an event is nothing new, but people are getting dressed up in a very different way these days! (:30) Have you ever done an “Irish Goodbye” from a party? Anna saw a video the other day that claimed it could be good for your health! (3:53) Dating apps are all about…… Continue Reading
Wednesday July 26, 2023: Family Game Fight; Borax; Raven The Poet
Traffic accidents are usually a stressor for anyone, but Anna saw someone do something truly bizarre after hitting a guardrail! (:30) A new chemical supplement is going viral on Tiktok, so Anna and Raven did some research to see if it was actually good for you! Spoiler Alert: It’s not. Do not put this in…… Continue Reading
Tuesday July 25, 2023: Falsely Accused; Costume Party; Raven the Poet
Have you ever gone somewhere on vacation that didn’t live up to the expectation? Producer Jon took his four-year-old to something that sounded like a little boy’s dream come true! Until they walked in the front door… (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you…… Continue Reading
Monday July 24, 2023: Search History Sleuth; Tell Me About Yourself; Mom Rage
Is it ever ok for a celebrity to refuse an autograph? Patrick Mahomes got criticized online for refusing to sign a jersey, but after watching the video, Anna is kinda on his side… (:30) Did you have a dumb argument this weekend? Anna got into it with her toddler over excessive licking! (3:56) Everyone makes…… Continue Reading
Friday July 21, 2023: Dumb Family Argument; House Rules; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Changing seats on a plane is always a tricky situation, especially when a mother is asking you because she wants to be closer to her kids. But in this situation, it may have been ok to tell her no! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade…… Continue Reading
Thursday July 20, 2023: Anna’s Lemonade Stand; Kids Birthday; Tacky T-Shirt
Have you ever had phone peril? The average America experiences it at least 100 times a year! (:15) How much should you spend on a date? The average person will spend over $400 over the course of the Summer just on dates, but Producer Jon thinks he may have hacked the system… (2:41) Whatever happened…… Continue Reading
Wednesday July 19, 2023: Raven’s Lemonade Stand; Bad Influence; Career Change
Have you ever noticed that some foods just taste better when you’re on vacation? Producer Jon had a meal fit for a king that only consisted of kid’s breakfast cereal and beer! (:15) How’s your dental health? Anna was shocked to find a list of 4 common things that can severely affect the health of…… Continue Reading