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Normal Or Nope?

Normal Or Nope?

Do you do something that you think is normal, but when someone hears about it, they think “nope, that’s not normal”. Anna was pumped when she got an email confirming that something she does with her family is normal… and then Raven quickly disagreed. Get the whole story in the podcast.Continue Reading

Broken By Accident

Broken By Accident

Ever break something and never tell anyone? Anna can’t believe that someone broke her toilet paper holder and never told anyone. Turns out, many of you are shady and have done waayyyy worse! Catch up with the podcast!Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Raven’s Birthday

Raven’s Report Card: Raven’s Birthday

Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. It was Raven’s birthday week, but just because it was his birthday, did it give him a pass even though he returned her diamonds?… Catch up in the podcast.Continue Reading

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