Recent Posts
Wednesday November 8, 2023: Anna’s Blowout; Happiest Poem Ever; Family Flex
13% of people aren’t happy about the birth order in their family. Are you one of those people? (:30) No-vember is the latest trend. Find out how saying “No” can benefit your mental health! (3:50) If you let your smoke detector beep constantly and refuse to change the battery, and assume that it’s just how…… Continue Reading
The Monkey Bars
After Anna’s daughter was injured falling off the monkey bars, she stressed to her children that unfortunately it’s hereditary that the women in their family don’t have the upper strength for the monkey bars. The daughters are sad, but it’s reality.… Continue Reading
Hitting The Snooze Button
You’ve heard for years that hitting the snooze button can be negative to your health, but it turns out, it’s the exact opposite. Dr. Jennifer Wider explains why in the podcast.… Continue Reading
Tuesday November 7, 2023: Election Day; Parenting Styles; Chores You’re Doing Wrong
It’s Election Day and Anna is excited to do her duty! But she’s even more excited about something else… (:30) Do you hit the snooze button when you get up? It’s long been touted as a bad idea, but Dr. Jennifer Wider has some reason why it may actually be good for you! (3:21) Social…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Weekend Recap
What did you do over the weekend?! Here is what everyone on The Anna & Raven Show did!… Continue Reading
The Weekends Dumb Arguments
On average, you have six arguments every weekend. Who on the show had the dumbest argument this last weekend? Find out for yourself in the podcast.… Continue Reading
Monday November 6, 2023: Oldest Child in Your Home; Home Alone; Anna and Raven’s Xmas Movie!
If you’re a parent, how often do you call your own parents for guidance? Anna was shocked at how often most parents are calling for support! (:15) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the reason people’s cooking habits…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Photo Shoot
It’s picture day, but raven thinks Anna went a little overboard with how many outfits she brought in..… Continue Reading
Daylight Savings Time
Just when you thought we were done with Daylight Savings Time, we are falling back.. again. What are the health risks and benefits to Daylight Savings though? Dr. Wider explains in the podcast.… Continue Reading
Friday November 3, 2023: Fired Friday Returns; Holiday Lists; Raven’s Report Card
Anna has a new job! Well, a new volunteer position anyway, and she’s not exactly thrilled about it… (:15) Oprah and Gwenyth Paltrow have both released their holiday gift lists for the year and it inspired Anna and Raven to come up with lists of their own! (2:27) Relationships are complicated, but if you keep…… Continue Reading