Recent Posts
The Hottest Toys This Year
Still at a loss about what to get some of the kids on your Christmas list? Anna and Raven spoke to Laurie Schacht from The Toy Insider to get the scoop on the most popular gifts this holiday season!… Continue Reading
Monday November 27, 2023: Ruin Your Thanksgiving; Credit Due; Santa Tipline
If you were worried about your neighbor, would you call in a wellness check? Raven is having this problem right now, but he’s not sure what the right thing to do is… (:15) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending,…… Continue Reading
A Drama Class Re-Do
Producer Sean said he didn’t care enough about his final project in drama class while in High School, so we gave him the chance to re-do it!… Continue Reading
Dealing With Holiday Stress
Holiday stress hitting you early? Dr. Jennifer Wider has some ways you can cope with it all.… Continue Reading
Wednesday November 22, 2023: Santa Tipline Returns; Kids Cook A Turkey; Unique Sides
If you could have Thanksgiving dinner with one TV family, which would it be? Anna wants a wholesome experience, but Producer Sean got really dark! (:30) The holidays are here and if you’re feeling stressed, Dr. Jennifer Wider has got some tips for Anna and Raven on how to keep your cool this season! (3:52)…… Continue Reading
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Forget the canned cranberry sauce! Food Network’s Chef Plum shows you how to make cranberry sauce from scratch that will be the talk of your Thanksgiving dinner.… Continue Reading
What Kids Aren’t Thankful For
It’s that time of the year to be thankful, but what are kids NOT thankful for? Producer Jon asked the kids.. and it’s hilarious. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading
November 21, 2023: Movin’ Out; Thanksgiving Politics; Plum Gravy
Is it too early to come up with New Years Resolutions? Anna has a bad habit whenever she takes a group picture and she thinks this is the year to stop doing it! (:30) Everyone likes to talk about what they’re thankful for at this time of year, but what are you NOT thankful for?…… Continue Reading
The Perfect Cranberry Sauce
Forget buying the canned cranberry sauce ever again. Food Network’s Chef Plum has the perfect cranberry sauce recipe and the best part? Three ingredients. Easy.📸 Getty Images… Continue Reading
Monday November 20, 2023: High School Drama; Explain Yourself; Cranberry Sauce
Who have you tipped in the last week? Nowadays it feels like more places than ever are asking for a little something extra! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including a celebrity who gave up his famous habit!…… Continue Reading