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Issues With Selfies

Issues With Selfies

Selfies can be dangerous?! Sounds odd, but it makes logical sense when Dr. Jennifer Wider explains the dangers behind them. Find out all about it in the podcast.Continue Reading

The Orange Peel Theory

The Orange Peel Theory

The Orange Peel Theory says that if your partner will do something for you that you can do for yourself, then they’re a keeper. (Like peel an orange). But what happens when you actually ask your spouse?! As usual, Anna and Raven’s partners are the test subjects.Continue Reading

Video Game Safety With Aubrey Quinn

Video Game Safety With Aubrey Quinn

The number one item kids are asking for this year is video games! Senior Vice President of the Entertainment Software Association, Aubrey Quinn explains why kids may benefit from them, and how, as a parent, you can find what’s age appropriate.Continue Reading