Recent Posts
Friday December 1, 2023: Single Christmas; Hot Girl Anthropologist; Raven’s Report Card
Would you ever eat a $1 burrito? Anna and Raven disagree often, but they both agree that certain things need to cost more than a dollar… (:30) It’s the first day of December! Astrologer Anne talks to Anna and Raven about what the stars might have in store for you this month! (3:20) The best…… Continue Reading
Issues With Selfies
Selfies can be dangerous?! Sounds odd, but it makes logical sense when Dr. Jennifer Wider explains the dangers behind them. Find out all about it in the podcast.… Continue Reading
Thursday November 30, 2023: Toy Not Toy; Bedtime Procrastination; The Santa Tipline
A few weeks ago, a woman started singing on a plane and Anna thought it was pretty tacky. But now the same thing has happened again, and Anna is 100% here for it! (:15) The Santa Tipline has returned! Call 855-785-4101 and leave Santa a voicemail about who has been naughty and who has been…… Continue Reading
The Orange Peel Theory
The Orange Peel Theory says that if your partner will do something for you that you can do for yourself, then they’re a keeper. (Like peel an orange). But what happens when you actually ask your spouse?! As usual, Anna and Raven’s partners are the test subjects.… Continue Reading
Wellness Wednesday: Fighting Colds and Flus
It’s the season for colds and flus, but there are two foods you can eat daily that will significantly lower your risk of getting sick. Discover what they are in the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Wednesday November 29, 2023: Accidentally Stole; Xmas Card Season; Wellness Wednesday
Twelve people were stuck on a ride at an amusement park. Is this the worst place to be stuck? Anna & Raven play a quick game of “Would you rather”. (:15) It’s the season for colds and flus, but there are two foods you can eat daily that will significantly lower your risk of getting…… Continue Reading
Slender Santa Or Jolly Santa
No Santa’s were shamed in the making of this video. Which do you prefer? Slender Santa or Jolly Santa..… Continue Reading
Video Game Safety With Aubrey Quinn
The number one item kids are asking for this year is video games! Senior Vice President of the Entertainment Software Association, Aubrey Quinn explains why kids may benefit from them, and how, as a parent, you can find what’s age appropriate.… Continue Reading
Tuesday November 28th, 2023: Video Games; Christmas Tree Nightmares; Confiscated Luggage
Ever have a dream you were dating someone famous? Anna has been having a weird dream about being married to a very specific celebrity. (0:15) Senior Vice President of Entertainment Software Association, Aubrey Quinn joins Anna & Raven to talk about video games and if they are the perfect gift for your child this holiday.…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up!
Here is what everyone on the show did over the Holiday weekend! What did you get into?!… Continue Reading