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The Super Secret Fund!

The Super Secret Fund!

Anna read a study that 2 in 5 American’s are hiding financial info from their significant other! She asked her husband if he has a secret account Find out what he said!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

The Everyday Food You Haven’t Tried!

The Everyday Food You Haven’t Tried!

Anna’s six-year-old daughter just tried ketch up for the first time! Check out our Instagram @AnnaAndRaven for her reaction! Anna and Raven share the mainstream food that they have never tried!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Are You A Petty Partner?

Are You A Petty Partner?

Are you a petty partner or do you have one? Find out what the top three ways are to be petty and how Anna, Raven’s wife, and Producer Julie are petty when they get in an argument with their partners! Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Auto Draft

Auto Draft

There is a list of the top three things that people find annoying that coworkers do! Anna and Raven send Producer Julie office to see what annoys their coworkers! Do you have a coworker that does any of these things?Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Chef Plum’s Crockpot Recipe!

Chef Plum’s Crockpot Recipe!

Need one night off from the dinner making madness? The crockpot is your friend! Chef Plum knows how to make it delicious too, he has a “Chicken Crockpot” recipe that super easy and can get you back to binge watching Netflix. Find him on Insta at @Chef_Plum or at Recipe for Chef Plum’s Crockpot Chicken:Whole,…Continue Reading

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