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Oat-zempic has been trending (eating oats to make you thin) so Chef Plum is showing you how to fry them into a delicious meatball. We’re positive it’s also healthy this way. Maybe! Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Daffodil Drama

Raven’s Report Card: Daffodil Drama

Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. This week, Raven’s fixation with daffodil’s and questioning why Alicia doesn’t like them might be the reason he fails. Find out all about this ridiculous drama in the podcast.Continue Reading

What’s Daikon?

What’s Daikon?

“Daikon” is the secret to prevent bloating according to some lady’s account on Instagram. So after Anna and Raven googled “what’s daikon?”, they tried it.Continue Reading

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