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Monday, March 17, 2025: Producer Justin’s Corn Beef Recipe; Playing Guess That Bagpipe; What’s Your Lucky Charm?
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Producer Justin has been cooking for 10 days find out what he made! Anna plays modern songs on bagpipes during Guess That Bagpipe! Producer Julie and Raven compete to see who can identify more of the songs! The Girl Scouts are in the studio! Anna and Raven ask Troop 60776 St.…… Continue Reading

Chef Plum’s Corned Beef!
Corned Beef is a very seasonal dish to make! Chef Plum has a recipe that will make your mouth water! Find out what “corning” means! You can find him online at or search Plum Luv Foods everywhere you listen to podcasts!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Be My Leprechaun?
Do you have a leprechaun yet? Anna, Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin ask their significant others to be theirs and their reactions are shocking!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

The Girl Scout’s Answer St. Patrick’s Day Questions!
The Girl Scouts are in the studio! Anna and Raven ask Troop 60776 St. Patrick’s Day questions to get their input on all things leprechauns and green! Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday, March 14, 2025: Dates at an Airport; Rating Different Gum Brands; Earning Your Mommy Margarita!
Airports and starting to offer a special pass that you can buy, and it might be the new perfect date night activity! Anna asked Producer Justin to use an AI voice cloning program to see how it would recreate Anna and Raven’s voice! The results will shock you! People have been trying to extend the…… Continue Reading

Unusual Costco Finds with Laura Lamb!
Raven recently bought a mattress from Costco! Anna and Raven talk with Costco Expert, Laura Lamb, to give the break day of the unusual things you could buy from Costco! You can find her on Instagram and TikTok @CostcoHotFinds! … Continue Reading

Don’t Freeze These Foods with Chef Plum!
People have been trying to extend the shelf life of eggs! Anna and Raven ask Chef Plum what foods you should and shouldn’t be freezing! Who knew you weren’t even supposed to refrigerate eggs! You can find him at and on his podcast Plum Luv Foods!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

AI Voice Cloning Anna and Raven!
Anna asked Producer Justin to use an AI voice cloning program to see how it would recreate Anna and Raven’s voice! The results will shock you!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Suzanne Beats Raven!
Suzanne wins $8800! She answered more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven! … Continue Reading

Your Pet Voice
There is a scientific reason why people change their voice when they are talking to dogs and babies! Anna doesn’t make a different voice when she is talking to her dog, but Raven uses a dog voice that may shock you! Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading
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