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60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Top 10 days of the year!
Scot Haney from WFSB – Channel 3 Eyewitness News said that today was one of the best days of the year… it’s just that, we’re inside… while everyone else is outside! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- The pumpkin challenge has started!
Anna officially planted her pumpkin seeds in the ground, because Tom from Jones Family Farms issued a challenge to both Anna & Raven: who can grow the best pumpkin? We’ll check back in October to see who won! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Take your dog to work day
Today was a very important day in the workforce… it was #takeyourdogtoworkday ! But no one told the one person who wouldn’t hesitate to bring his pets to work…Raven! … Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Star of the State: Milford
Anna & Raven’s Star of the State: Milford We’ve decided there’s a lot of towns here in Connecticut that most people have no idea about the cool history they contain, or the best place to hang out, or their modern day claim to fame. Well, no more because Anna & Raven have taken it upon…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Antiques Roadshow
Have a strange painting that you think is worth thousands? Have you been harboring your great grandmother’s rocking chair because you think one day it’ll pay your kids college tuition? Here’s your chance to get it appraised for free! Email [email protected] and tell us as much information about your piece and send multiple pictures! We…… Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- What have our interns learned?
Anna & Raven’s interns from Staples High School are moving on today! What did they learn from their time here at the radio station? … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- First Selectman Mike Tetreau talks about what’s great about Fairfield!
Fairfield is our STAR of the state, so First Selectman Mike Tetreau was kind enough to come in and talk about all the great events that are going on in Fairfield, some of the best restaurants, and what the best perk of being First Selectman is! … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Bringing back the 90’s
One of our interns brought in a giant boombox, so we decided to bring back the 90’s and the best dance of that decade… break-dancing! Whether or not we’re doing it correctly, we’ll leave that up to you. … Continue Reading

60 Seconds Behind the Scenes- Crazy 8’s Motorcycle Ride4Chase
If you’re looking to do something fun this Father’s Day, Rebecca Kowalski from CMAK Foundation talks about Crazy 8’s Motorcycle Ride4Chase, at the Colonial Tavern in Oxford! More details at … Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Star of the State: Fairfield
Anna & Raven’s Star of the State: Fairfield We’ve decided there’s a lot of towns here in Connecticut that most people have no idea about the cool history they contain, or the best place to hang out, or their modern day claim to fame. Well, no more because Anna & Raven have taken it upon…… Continue Reading
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