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Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital

November 10, 2018   I’ll be honest with you, I wasn’t sure I’d still be pregnant at this point.  Last week the pressure was so intense that I thought this little baby was going to make a surprise early appearance.  I guess a lot of pregnant moms think that when they get this close to…Continue Reading

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital   November 5, 2018   The excitement has set in.  Week 38 has somehow creeped up on me.  I remember early in my pregnancy thinking that if I could just make it to November it would be smooth sailing.  October is notoriously the busiest month for me both…Continue Reading

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital October 29, 2018 This week will be week 37 of my pregnancy! I can’t believe I’m typing those words. It’s finally the home stretch!  I’m always jealous of the women who feel great and look beautiful throughout their entire pregnancy.  All the power to them, but that’s not…Continue Reading

Anna’s Stamford Hospital Hump Date Bump Update

Anna’s Stamford Hospital Hump Date Bump Update

Anna’s Stamford Hospital Hump Date Bump Update Week 36! If you would have told me a year ago today that I would be plowing into week 36 I probably wouldn’t have believed you. Here’s the truth, I miscarried at the end of September of 2017. It was one of the most devastating moments of my…Continue Reading

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital!

Anna’s Bump Update Powered by Stamford Hospital!

Monday, October 15th, 2018 My gynecologist, Dr. Sara Coca, has been with me since I was in my early 20’s and she’s the best. She delivered my daughter, my nieces and nephews, and all my cousin’s children. We like to keep it in the family. I swear she saved my life after I had Hayden.…Continue Reading